Simnel Shenanigans
breath in . . . and hold it . . . and breathe out slowly. There. That
was a cleansing breath. A breath to signify the overcoming of the work
hurdle that I have been struggling with for the last week and a half,
even though it feels like it been a good month since I've manged to be
behind my morning address reigns. I've missed you all SO much, here have a
great big lift and spin hug, for they are the best kind
((((((SQUEEEEEEEEEEEZE!)))). I still have much to do of course just not
quite so much of a muchness that it feels like it's too much! Ooo I've
said much to much now and now it sounds weird. Sorry.
Well how
the Dickens and his Devil are we? It's been SO long! I trust we all had a
lovely Easter breaket? Where we celebrated the protracted suffering and
death on the Cross of Jesus and his triumphant resurrection by eating
mildly spiced fruit buns and chocolate eggs. No, I've never really
understood the logic of that one either.
Still a couple
of days added to the weekend is always welcome along with the mildly
spiced fruit buns and chocolate. Oh and there's always Simnel Cake as
well. Does anyone still make or have a Simnel Cake these days? Maybe
that was back in the day when Easter used to feel a bit more like
Christmas when it came around. It's true, Easter used to be a much
bigger event in my eyes than it seems to be these days. It used to be
like having a second Christmas, there would be big films on the telly,
and Easter Specials! Then we'd all sit round and have a big Turkey
dinner, just like Christmas, and people used to send cards and you'd get
eggs from all your rellys. Now it's just seen as just another bank
holiday. All be it one where shops can fill there shelves with Easter
Eggs for two months beforehand, apart from the ones you are specifically
trying to find of course, you'll never find them!
Sorry about
that, cynical me just sneaked out for an airing there! I shall put him
back in his box for another day. Still it's now Wednesday already, which
is weird! It definitely feels more like a Tuesday, which means Friday
will seem like a Thursday, so it will be like we're having another Good
Friday on Saturday! Fab! Although I'm pretty sure we'll all be doing
normal Saturday things, so the whole one day feeling like another may
well cancel itself out by the time we get there! Thank goodness, it's
Right well, that's enough of my muttering, before I
bore you all to tears, when I've only been back for one day! Must let
you get on I suppose. Plus I still have all the 'much' to deal with
myself! See you tomorrow! Toodles!
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