Sunday, April 7, 2013

Helloooooo Monday!

Good morning to you good Sir or Lady, I'm sorry I'm not really with it this morning (No you don't have to say, you're never with it anyway! RUDE!). I'm all out of sorts! Of course there is a perfectly good explanation for this! Still I trust that the weekend treated you well? Sadly mine seemed to misbehave a bit. Well Friday night was ok, didn't get up to anything sadly but it was nice and relaxing, so it fulfilled it's requirements sufficiently. It was Saturday night that played up for me. I had one of those nights that I'm sure we have all had, when you just can't sleep. There was no rhyme nor reason for it! (Always troubled me, that saying as well. I mean why would you have a rhyme for something, just because you couldn't explain it? Still I digress).

I had done all my usual bedtime routine stuff of course and I was doing the final part of reading a book till the point when you find yourself so tired that you start to have to read the lines twice, because you are having trouble keeping your eyes open. (If your were wondering, I'm re-reading Lords & ladies by Terry Pratchett, hilariously funny!) Normally when I get to this point, I can put my book down, turn over and sleep happens! Well Saturday night it didn't. The only cause I can possibly think of is that I did have a kind of nervous excitement going on, a bit like butterflies in the stomach. Although there was no rhyme for that either! Anyway I laid awake trying desperately to be asleep for quite some time, before I gave up and went downstairs to make a milky drink. (I don't know why we do that! I think it's something our Mothers teach us we must do if we can't sleep. I'm sure there is a Sciencey reason for it, sadly I don't know what that is.) So I had that and thought, thing will be fine now! They weren't. So I carried on being awake and wanting to sleep for hours and hours. I twisted and turned and tied myself up in the duvet, then flung off the duvet. Then tried to pull the duvet back on and grabbed the wrong bit so then I couldn't work out why the duvet was no longer fitting! So then you have to get out of bed and sort out the duvet, so it at least resembles a duvet again, before repeating the whole process.

I think it was around 3:45 I decided to get my little book light and start reading again, to see if I could convince my brain that I was starting my going to sleep routine from the beginning again, so it knew that it was supposed to be shutting off for the night (Of which there wasn't much of at this point!). Suffice to say I think I managed just under two hours of sleep on Saturday, which is rubbish!! Not at least because it makes ya brain all fuzzy the next day and it actually feels like your face hurts.

Anyway, I thought I would try and skip some of that drama last night and downed a couple of elephant strength sleeping pills. (No there's no need to be rude and make similarities between me and an elephant I thank you so very much indeed. RUDE!)

The pills did seem to work a treat though, sleeping did happen quite soon after me putting my book down. So in that respect they performed admirably. The only trouble is since my alarm went off this morning I'm still feeling asleep here! It's weird, I know I'm awake, what with all the moving around and looking at stuff I'm doing but my brain and face still feel like they are sound asleep! Which of course doesn't bode well for the rest of the day! As Garfield the cat quite rightly said on a number of occasions "Helloooooooo Monday!" Still I hope yours turns out ok, oh and sleep well tonight!

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