Monday, April 8, 2013

Spare a thought!

Phew! Good morning to you! Well it's pretty yucky out there this morning and no mistake. I know it's April and the song does go "Drip drip drop little April Shower" but to be honest, singing about it, doesn't really make it any less yucky. Although on the plus side, yes there IS one, I've just thought of it! It is a lot more warmer than it has been. Ok, so it's not quite shorts weather yet I grant you, but on the other hand I did swap the big quilty thick coat for the black waterproof thin one. Sorry, don't know why I'm banging on about the weather, you've got a window you can see for yourself! (Although do make sure you're properly covered up before flinging back the curtains and having a look out the window. Don't want to go around scaring the neighbours. Unless of course that is exactly what you want to do, in which case fling away!)

I do feel I need to mention, in case you haven't heard, Maggie Thatcher died yesterday. Of course the only way you wouldn't of heard if if you are living in a cave in the middle of nowhere or are a resident in the Big Brother house, and as it's not on at the moment and if you were living in a cave, you wouldn't be reading this either, chances are that you have. I just think it's a shame and a bit of a sad reflection on us as a whole that some people think it's a good opportunity to air their views on how much they hated her!!

Look, we all know that some political choices she made and her 'no nonsense' approach to things in general made her unpopular, but let's not overlook the fact that she was human. She had a family and friends and people all around her who probably loved her very much. So it is a bit spiteful and cruel to say some of the things, that people have been saying, because you're not hurting her by saying them, you're hurting the people around her who are left behind, who had nothing what so ever to do with her leadership qualities! So before people bang on about her and paint her in a bad light, let's just think about what we say and how heartless and cruel it may seem to those around her who truly cared about her. The fact is you can say what you like about Mrs Thatcher, but whether you agreed with her or not, she was one of the strongest and one of the most iconic leaders this country of ours has ever had. Plus let's not forget, she was the first woman Prime Minister, which in itself is no mean feat!

Sorry, I'll get off my soap box at this point, it just saddens me when people just want to say things to be controversial and don't stop to think of those people they might be hurting by saying it. Plus of course, you've probably all heard far too much about Lady Thatcher as it is anyway.

Right well, I was going to talk the thankfully deep sleep I had last night, (without the use of pills) and the fact that I had a really weird dream about falling asleep and having a dream! (It was getting just like Inception, but without all the gravity changes and folding streets). Plus I was going to talk about the fact we have an Audit Person in today, all a bit nervous, it's like a Teacher coming in and checking on you! But I think I shall have to leave all that for another day now, having already taken up far too much of your time with my ramblings. So have yourself a fine Tuesday despite the weather! HUGE HUGS to you all.

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