Monday, April 22, 2013

St George's Day by George!

Oh hello there! How are we this morning? Well I trust? Good! I just wish I could say the same! I'm sorry to say, I am feeling decidedly fed up and a bit sorry for myself now, as my horrible, bunged up, can't breathe without coughing, which then gives you a sore tickly throat, cold is still ravaging my head. I've had it since Thursday and I don't really like to go on about it, but I don't get them very often so when I do, they always come as a bit of shock as to how long they hang around for. Wretched thing. I should of put Vic on me chest last night I think, (No! Stop it!! You're just making your own jokes now!) I had some Vic on me chest on Sunday night and I actually think it helped ease my breathing a bit. Still I won't go on about it, the day must continue, the week must march onwards anyway.

Today of course, is not just another dreaded 'The Tuesday' it is also St George's Day by George! Yes good old St George, We always see him as this iconic English figure but he was in fact Greek I believe, much like our Royal Family of course. So the way I see it, you can't get much more English than being Greek!

So what did St George do anyway? I think we all know the famous story of St George and the Dragon. Although I do have my own thoughts about that too. You see, whenever you see a picture of George and the Dragon, the dragon is always pictured as being quite small as dragons go. It's normally shown to be about the size of a large dog! Now what you must remember at this point is that stories have a life of their own, as any reader of Terry Pratchett will know. Stories are living things that grow and get bigger and change as they are retold time after time. Normally this involves exaggerating the facts so they seem more impressive. Now if this is true in the case of St George, does that mean that the relatively small dragon was being greatly exaggerated? Maybe all George did was kill a garden lizard that someone was scared of, like some of us being scared of spiders! Perhaps he was just passing someones house and heard a yelp and squeal and popped his head round to see what was occurring. He saw Mrs Smith standing on a chair squealing and pointing at a small confused lizard on the floor who had wandered in under the back door. Which George then got rid of. So Mrs Smith then tells her neighbour what happened and how kind George was, that neighbour tells her neighbour and then one thing leads to another and all of a sudden George is being hailed a Dragon Slayer! Makes you wonder doesn't it!

It also makes you wonder how we should be celebrating St George's Day though. Obviously another Bank Holiday should be given for it, although I think it should be a roaming bank holiday. So that whatever day St George's Day falls on that year should be the Bank Holiday. I'd quite fancy a Bank Holiday Tuesday! Now I know what you're thinking, what if it falls at the weekend? Well then we would have a Bank Holiday Friday or a Monday depending on which day it was nearer to. Just like I normally do to celebrate my birthday with. (Haha! Excellent! Still managed to get another birthday mention in there!).

Maybe we should eat special food for St George's Day as well? I dunno maybe something like a good Doner Kebab, or Shish Kebabs with some Feta based salad? Something that is obviously Greek but screams English as well you see. Now the traditional drink of St George's Day should really be an English Real Ale of some kind, we've got enough of them! Maybe there could be a different Real Ale celebrated every year, so they all get a look in? I think maybe we should all celebrate it whatever way we wish to really. After all, any excuse for a day of celebrating is a good excuse I reckon.

Right well I must get on. See you tomorrow!

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