I should be subsnuggy!
there, do come in if your feeling immune to lergy. Sorry about the
mess, just sit where you like I have no special chair I have to sit on.
Although having said that, it does feel a bit weird if I sit on the
right side of the sofa for some reason, but apart from that,
anywhere is fine for me. I did use to have a special chair that only I
sat in, but I think that particular madness may of stopped now. Still I
think if we're honest, we all have a place in the seating plan of the
lounge where we all like to sit don't we?
Well I think I
really should be updating my blog from beneath my snuggy while laying
on the sofa really. I feel dreadful. Yes I realise it will probably been
seen as Man-Flu by some. Which I think is getting a little unfair these
days! You see us men feel we can no longer be allowed to say feel
really rotten and horrible any more because it get's branded as Man-Flu
and taken as a bit of a joke! A tad unfair I feel.
Still call it what you like I'm afraid I seem to of contracted it. Just
feeling a bit sick, very weak and achey and a bit shakey. (No that
doesn't mean I'm going to break into a chorus of "You Drive Me Crazy"
and start wearing double denim. Although obviously I am a huge fan of
the Welsh Elvis and if I wasn't SO ill I might well break into one of
his songs). I know it all sounds slightly pathetic when you write it
down, but to be fair I am feeling slightly pathetic too.
As i
say, I should be writing this from the sofa all tucked up in my red
snuggy, watching a bit of day time TV. But I'm not! I'm sat behind my
desk at work trying to pretend I can cope with the mad day ahead of me!
Trouble is it's one of those things I always feel guilty about, I know
it's a bit mad. (Hello! Have you met me?) I guess I'm of the opinion
that unless I'm actually throwing up or passed out I could actually
still do my job. I have so much to do again today as well, that I didn't
really feel I had much choice.
Sorry about being a Moaning
Minnie, especially on a Blessed Friday as well. See I must be ill, I
haven't once talked about frolicking or skipping or dancing like nobody
is watching, or hugging random strangers or the promise of a warm spring
just around the corner. You see it would of been a really good Friday
posting if I wasn't so poorly. Definitely one of those days where I wish
I was allowed to wear slippers into work, like I used to.
Still here's hoping you Friday is filled with all of those good things
I've mentioned. Stay lovely, because that is indeed what you are!
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