Monday, April 29, 2013

Carl Aid was brill

Well good morning, hello and very much welcome to you! It feels like it's been SO long! Plus, may a say what an absolutely glorious day to com back to, just look at it out there! It's looks GORGEOUS! I feel that it won't be long now until the shorts may have to be retrieved from the back of the wardrobe! You have been warned. Generally I do like to give it a good week few days of it being lovely, just to be sure, before I frighten the general public with the legs coming out though.

Still WHAT a lovely weekend I very much had. SO brilliant and I really can't thank the Amazing Lady Tidy enough for it, it was a 'truly scrumptious' birthday weekend. Yes I have reached the slightly large 4.0. now but you will be pleased to know that it really hasn't made any real difference to my mental age, that gauge is still swinging around the 15-18 year old point. Although I am pretty sure that this is the same with most men. Sorry about that ladies!

Anyway, we went off to see the brilliant Iron Man 3 on Friday afternoon, followed by a quick jaunt over to the tiny village of Bramber to have a frankly gorgeous dinner and stay over at The Old Tollgate. Which I know a lot of you know about and know just how lovely and scrummy the food is. We even had a little stroll around the villiage after dinner with a little trip to the pub. Before heading back to stay in one of their very posh rooms, which was all very lovely.

Then Saturday was a bit of a rest day, which was needed because frankly I was a little over excited by that point. Then of course the big day itself on Sunday! Which was also lovely! Really sorry I missed a lovely friend who popped over with a lovely pressie and card though would of been really nice to of had a lovely man hug. I was at Mummy and Daddy Tidy's at this point before they whisked me off for yet another lovely meal.

So really I come back to you completely stuffed with lovely food and a teeny tiny bit older. Still, it doesn't really matter does it!? I mean who's counting anyway!? We can get as old as we like, it doesn't mean we have to grow up does it!

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