Sunday, April 21, 2013

6 days and counting . . .

Gooooooooooooood morning, good morning, good morning, good morning and a very warm and snuggly welcome to you on this otherwise fine day. I say otherwise fine, because it is of course still a Monday. Well, youngest son number 2 had his birthday shenanigans yesterday along with The Queen of course. Good morning Mam, (as in harm not as in ham. . . or is it the other way around?) *performs small curtsy* and I don't know about him, but I enjoyed it! We did of course all nip out briefly to The Acorns (Beefeater) on Saturday evening with friend Sean in tow, well he is part of the family really and we were marking mine and his birthdays as well. So we proudly strode into the place with me and Sean wearing hugely over-sized 40 badges on our chests as supplied by son number 1 of course. So that was nice, even if I was beaten on the head with a stack of menu's by the good Lady Tidy because apparently I was being rude!! (ME!! RUDE!!) I know, I wouldn't believe it either! All I was doing was trying to attract our waiters attention in an amusing way! To be fair, they were pretty busy in there, but I still saw it as a fun challenge. I had tried waving and quietly calling his name, I even tried the "Coooeeee" approach to no avail. So instead I opted for the shouting of the word "YO!" at the top of my voice and then looking the other way, so it wouldn't look like it was aimed at him at all. Which was the point at which menus were used as a head smacker. Still it did work! Well it's a giggle isn't it!

Well there is only 6 more days to go until mine now and I am of course literally beside myself with excitement! "Ooo hello there, other me sitting beside me! My, I must say you are looking rougher than a rhino's scrotum this morning!!" Sorry! No, I'm sorry, that was crass even for me! I mean you might be having your breakfast or something, and you don't want to be thinking of that while you're eating. Especially if you're having something with plums! Sorry! Oh I'm sorry I did it again, I shall just stop myself there I think. I am still feeling really rather rough and cold-ridden this morning though. I've been on the "Cold & Flu" stuff since Saturday and they do help of course, although you are very aware when the effects wear off, as your throat seems to close up and you suddenly can't speak or breathe again.

So yes I am feeling a bit sorry for myself, which I think is allowed and fair when you are full of cold and yuck surely? Especially as despite that I am still at work, keeping the nation going with my particular blend of creative gorgeousness, by getting up and jolly well getting on with things as is the British way! Hark at me blowing my own trumpet! (Well somebody's got to do it! There is nothing sadder than an unblown trumpet you know)

So yes, only 6 more days to go to take part in 'Carl Aid 40' so do it today and avoid the delay! Beat the postal rush of the last few days and get ya fiver filled cards in early I say! heehee. Still, do have yourself the best darn Monday you are able to, see you tomorrow! xx

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