Thursday, April 11, 2013

Two weeks to go! . . .

It's here! It's Friday! It's the start of the weekend! This calls for some classic Jacksons! Can you feel it, . . can you feel it, . . CAN YOU FEEL IT! A song which in my mind was frankly ruined by Tamperer featuring Maya in the late 90s! I mean "What's she gonna look like with a chimney on her?" I ask you! What kind of nonsense is that? Trust me, I know about writing nonsense as you can see, I'm a bit of an expert in the field, but really! A chimney!! That my friend is just silly.

Now I'm afraid I must become slightly serious for a bit. * Clears throat, shuffles in chair. . . adjusts hair . . . adopts stern face (Yes I have one of those I thank you SO very much! RUDE!)* As a nation we always do incredibly well in special charitable days, even in these times of economic downturn. Comic Relief has managed to raise a staggering £75,107,851 for good causes both home and abroad. However, I now ask you to dig deep once again. Today is Friday the 12th of April 2013 and we are now only 16 days away from a very special day of giving. Carl Aid. Yes this year will see Carl reach his 40th year and his needs are greater now than ever.

Every time I click my fingers *click* another joint starts to creak *click* another possible grey hair may appear *click* another niggling pain which he'd never noticed before suddenly becomes a reality *click* another set of stairs become harder to climb *click* another wrinkle appears where there wasn't one before *click*. But together we can stop this. For just one day we can make all these struggles seem to pale into the background and become unimportant. All it takes is for us to select a birthday card from any high street branch of card sellers. Then insert just one crisp new £5 note or whatever you can afford into the card, and post it to his address, clearing marking the envelope "Carl Aid 40".

We can bring a smile of joy to the face and the heart of this particularly needy individual. We can make his world a better place, for just one day. So I urge you to give what you can because together, we CAN make a difference. Thank you for listening.

Heehee! Such fun! Sorry about that, but there is only two weeks to go! OR only two more fridays to go!! Excitement much is going on over here I can tell you! Oh and I have just noticed, apparently Burgess Hill now has a Steak House!! Who knew!? When did this happen? How was I not informed? This may need some serious investigations! *rubs hands together*

Make sure you have an absolutely blinding Friday! Not that I wish you to become blind of course, that would be weird and cruel. Just have a good one instead. See you Monday! xx

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