Thursday, April 4, 2013

Give hugs a chance!

Blessings be upon your house and welcome to your most convivial of days. The Blessed Friday. Which of course has come round a lot sooner than normal this week. Although it was expected, so we don't need to rush about the house panicking and trying to tidy things up while running, or trying to hide our pants which are all hanging on the laundry clothes horse in the lounge by the radiator trying to get the darn things dry, because we still can't put anything outside to dry even though it's flippin April! So relax, have a nice big stretch, maybe a nice cup of tea, and an early morning biscuit! Yes that is allowed on a Friday, biscuits before breakfast, shocking I know, but there it is.

There, I trust we are all comfy now *looks around the room over top of some imaginary half moon spectacles* Good. I've brought in some lovely Lindt chocolate chicks for everyone in the office today, I was supposed to bring them in last Thursday of course, but with all the craziness that was happening here I'm afraid it totally slipped my mind. Still they are here now and I've just had some fun arranging them on everyone's desks peeping over keyboards or from behind telephones. Such fun! hehehe. Yes of course I shall pretend I have no idea how they got there, I do that every year! *claps hands and bounces with excitement*

Well it's all very doom and gloom in the news as always so I do try to ignore all those things in the most part. Especially with the North Korea shenanigans which seem to be building up to nastiness. The only good thing to come out of it of course hearing the name Ban Ki-moon on the radio and telly. (Always heard in my head as Banky Moon of course) He sounds like he should have his own childrens programme on CBBC. Mind you he always looks like such a lovely, smiley, friendly man as well, the kind of person you could easily hug!
Just the sort of person you need to sort out all the naughty people I reckon, because they'll see him and hear his name and just go "Awwwwww" then go in for a cuddle. Hugging is definitely the way forward into any peace process I reckon, first thing they should do in fact. Just go up to whoever is playing up with open arm and just tell them to come in for a hug. Maybe give the back of their head a little rub while you're doing it and just ask them what seems to be their problem. The world would be a much better place for it I reckon.

Right well, that's world put to rights once again, do have yourselves a frankly gorgeous weekend, however you spend it. Well as the bell for end of lessons has gone off, which is a signal for me and not for you to grab your coats and run off, (Sorry I went all teacher there for a bit) I'll see you back behind your desks bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on Monday!

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