Monday, April 29, 2013

Carl Aid was brill

Well good morning, hello and very much welcome to you! It feels like it's been SO long! Plus, may a say what an absolutely glorious day to com back to, just look at it out there! It's looks GORGEOUS! I feel that it won't be long now until the shorts may have to be retrieved from the back of the wardrobe! You have been warned. Generally I do like to give it a good week few days of it being lovely, just to be sure, before I frighten the general public with the legs coming out though.

Still WHAT a lovely weekend I very much had. SO brilliant and I really can't thank the Amazing Lady Tidy enough for it, it was a 'truly scrumptious' birthday weekend. Yes I have reached the slightly large 4.0. now but you will be pleased to know that it really hasn't made any real difference to my mental age, that gauge is still swinging around the 15-18 year old point. Although I am pretty sure that this is the same with most men. Sorry about that ladies!

Anyway, we went off to see the brilliant Iron Man 3 on Friday afternoon, followed by a quick jaunt over to the tiny village of Bramber to have a frankly gorgeous dinner and stay over at The Old Tollgate. Which I know a lot of you know about and know just how lovely and scrummy the food is. We even had a little stroll around the villiage after dinner with a little trip to the pub. Before heading back to stay in one of their very posh rooms, which was all very lovely.

Then Saturday was a bit of a rest day, which was needed because frankly I was a little over excited by that point. Then of course the big day itself on Sunday! Which was also lovely! Really sorry I missed a lovely friend who popped over with a lovely pressie and card though would of been really nice to of had a lovely man hug. I was at Mummy and Daddy Tidy's at this point before they whisked me off for yet another lovely meal.

So really I come back to you completely stuffed with lovely food and a teeny tiny bit older. Still, it doesn't really matter does it!? I mean who's counting anyway!? We can get as old as we like, it doesn't mean we have to grow up does it!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Somewhere over the hill

Ooooo, Oh dear! Sorry, I'm getting a little over excited, as it's my last day at work before the grand birthday weekend. So although it's a Thursday it actually feels very much like a Friday to me. A Thiday if you will. Ooo! Thiday sounds a bit saucy doesn't it! Thighday! Hehehe! Sorry. I just have that pre-Christmas tingle that I usually get the last few days before Christmas. Oh alright, who am I trying to kid, December the 1st. Still it's all going to be lovely I'm sure. Tomorrow I will be off to be treated by the long suffering Lady Tidy to go see Iron Man 3, (RESULT!) before nipping off to have a very lovely meal and an overnight stay. It will be all just lovely and all that will be before my actual birthday has happened! Which of course will be on Sunday as by now I am sure you are all well aware! So excited, not even the fact that I still have the nasty cold, which has now taken up residence in my chest, is going to get to me today.

They say that I'm forty.
But this cannot be!
If someone is forty
It shouldn't be me.
See, people at forty
Have wrinkly skin,
And baggy red eyes.
Such a mess they are in!
They always look sleepy
And cranky and tired,
Their license for fun,
must of, expired!
But I look so fresh,
Kind of happy and spry.
So if they ask me my age
I think I might LIE!

Right well, I think I shall leave it at that this morning, as it seems quite a good place to stop. A relatively short little status for me really! Sorry about that just too excited!! See you all soon! xxx

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's the self pity show!

Morning! Well just how bottom spankingly glorious was yesterday? It was like Summer arrived early for a day just to try itself out. It made you want to listen to 'Summer Breeze' by The Isley Brothers or 'Boys of Summer' by Mr Don Henley or 'Ocean Drive' by The Lighthouse Family at full volume, while driving sedately down a deserted beach front road with the windows open or your roof off, and your shades on, while the warm breeze blew through your hair. Ahhhh blissful. Sadly of course, most of us couldn't of done that anyway even if we wanted to, but still the thought was there.

Mind you even if I had been able to do it, it would of been quite different for me. I would of drove along trying to listen and sing along to the songs, then halfway through the sentence "Makes you feel high" I would have an attack of coughing and spluttering and sneezing and wheezing. Then finish it off by groaning about feeling so ploppy! Yes sadly the cold seems to be loving riddling itself around my person. Still it has changed slightly, it has now moved most of itself from my head and seems to be taking up residence in my neck and chest now. Does that mean it's on it's way out, or does that mean it's going to get worse? I really hope it doesn't. I SO need to be better and bouncy and back to normal by Friday so I can enjoy my whole birthday weekend without groaning about how crappy I feel. (YES! another birthday mention, GET IN!) Still I did eventually rub some Vic on me chest last night (Stop it!!) which does actually seem to help a little, well certainly helpful in trying to get to sleep anyhow.

I'm sorry, you probably don't want updates with how my cold is going do you. Frankly selfish and rude of me to bring it up really! I suppose it's a typical man thing when you feel SO crappy you want to make sure everyone knows how crappy you feel, rather than just shutting up and getting on stuff anyway. So i shall shut up and get on with stuff.

Till tomorrow then! (I would end with a couple of kisses, but frankly you don't want what I've got so I won't)

Monday, April 22, 2013

St George's Day by George!

Oh hello there! How are we this morning? Well I trust? Good! I just wish I could say the same! I'm sorry to say, I am feeling decidedly fed up and a bit sorry for myself now, as my horrible, bunged up, can't breathe without coughing, which then gives you a sore tickly throat, cold is still ravaging my head. I've had it since Thursday and I don't really like to go on about it, but I don't get them very often so when I do, they always come as a bit of shock as to how long they hang around for. Wretched thing. I should of put Vic on me chest last night I think, (No! Stop it!! You're just making your own jokes now!) I had some Vic on me chest on Sunday night and I actually think it helped ease my breathing a bit. Still I won't go on about it, the day must continue, the week must march onwards anyway.

Today of course, is not just another dreaded 'The Tuesday' it is also St George's Day by George! Yes good old St George, We always see him as this iconic English figure but he was in fact Greek I believe, much like our Royal Family of course. So the way I see it, you can't get much more English than being Greek!

So what did St George do anyway? I think we all know the famous story of St George and the Dragon. Although I do have my own thoughts about that too. You see, whenever you see a picture of George and the Dragon, the dragon is always pictured as being quite small as dragons go. It's normally shown to be about the size of a large dog! Now what you must remember at this point is that stories have a life of their own, as any reader of Terry Pratchett will know. Stories are living things that grow and get bigger and change as they are retold time after time. Normally this involves exaggerating the facts so they seem more impressive. Now if this is true in the case of St George, does that mean that the relatively small dragon was being greatly exaggerated? Maybe all George did was kill a garden lizard that someone was scared of, like some of us being scared of spiders! Perhaps he was just passing someones house and heard a yelp and squeal and popped his head round to see what was occurring. He saw Mrs Smith standing on a chair squealing and pointing at a small confused lizard on the floor who had wandered in under the back door. Which George then got rid of. So Mrs Smith then tells her neighbour what happened and how kind George was, that neighbour tells her neighbour and then one thing leads to another and all of a sudden George is being hailed a Dragon Slayer! Makes you wonder doesn't it!

It also makes you wonder how we should be celebrating St George's Day though. Obviously another Bank Holiday should be given for it, although I think it should be a roaming bank holiday. So that whatever day St George's Day falls on that year should be the Bank Holiday. I'd quite fancy a Bank Holiday Tuesday! Now I know what you're thinking, what if it falls at the weekend? Well then we would have a Bank Holiday Friday or a Monday depending on which day it was nearer to. Just like I normally do to celebrate my birthday with. (Haha! Excellent! Still managed to get another birthday mention in there!).

Maybe we should eat special food for St George's Day as well? I dunno maybe something like a good Doner Kebab, or Shish Kebabs with some Feta based salad? Something that is obviously Greek but screams English as well you see. Now the traditional drink of St George's Day should really be an English Real Ale of some kind, we've got enough of them! Maybe there could be a different Real Ale celebrated every year, so they all get a look in? I think maybe we should all celebrate it whatever way we wish to really. After all, any excuse for a day of celebrating is a good excuse I reckon.

Right well I must get on. See you tomorrow!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

6 days and counting . . .

Gooooooooooooood morning, good morning, good morning, good morning and a very warm and snuggly welcome to you on this otherwise fine day. I say otherwise fine, because it is of course still a Monday. Well, youngest son number 2 had his birthday shenanigans yesterday along with The Queen of course. Good morning Mam, (as in harm not as in ham. . . or is it the other way around?) *performs small curtsy* and I don't know about him, but I enjoyed it! We did of course all nip out briefly to The Acorns (Beefeater) on Saturday evening with friend Sean in tow, well he is part of the family really and we were marking mine and his birthdays as well. So we proudly strode into the place with me and Sean wearing hugely over-sized 40 badges on our chests as supplied by son number 1 of course. So that was nice, even if I was beaten on the head with a stack of menu's by the good Lady Tidy because apparently I was being rude!! (ME!! RUDE!!) I know, I wouldn't believe it either! All I was doing was trying to attract our waiters attention in an amusing way! To be fair, they were pretty busy in there, but I still saw it as a fun challenge. I had tried waving and quietly calling his name, I even tried the "Coooeeee" approach to no avail. So instead I opted for the shouting of the word "YO!" at the top of my voice and then looking the other way, so it wouldn't look like it was aimed at him at all. Which was the point at which menus were used as a head smacker. Still it did work! Well it's a giggle isn't it!

Well there is only 6 more days to go until mine now and I am of course literally beside myself with excitement! "Ooo hello there, other me sitting beside me! My, I must say you are looking rougher than a rhino's scrotum this morning!!" Sorry! No, I'm sorry, that was crass even for me! I mean you might be having your breakfast or something, and you don't want to be thinking of that while you're eating. Especially if you're having something with plums! Sorry! Oh I'm sorry I did it again, I shall just stop myself there I think. I am still feeling really rather rough and cold-ridden this morning though. I've been on the "Cold & Flu" stuff since Saturday and they do help of course, although you are very aware when the effects wear off, as your throat seems to close up and you suddenly can't speak or breathe again.

So yes I am feeling a bit sorry for myself, which I think is allowed and fair when you are full of cold and yuck surely? Especially as despite that I am still at work, keeping the nation going with my particular blend of creative gorgeousness, by getting up and jolly well getting on with things as is the British way! Hark at me blowing my own trumpet! (Well somebody's got to do it! There is nothing sadder than an unblown trumpet you know)

So yes, only 6 more days to go to take part in 'Carl Aid 40' so do it today and avoid the delay! Beat the postal rush of the last few days and get ya fiver filled cards in early I say! heehee. Still, do have yourself the best darn Monday you are able to, see you tomorrow! xx

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April showers

PHILOSOPHICAL PHURSDAY: Blimey, I haven't worn my Philosophical trousers for quite some time. I amazed they still fit! Well good morning class . . .*awaits chorus of response* . . . I hope I find you all in a state of bright-eyedness and exhibiting an enormously bushy-tail. Doesn't it look gorgeous out there this morning! In fact it looks SO nice out, I think I might leave it out! (Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I had to say it.) Well it seems Spring has finally found the energy to of sprung, the bright happy daffodils are coming out, the sunshine is making a break for freedom even if there is still a bit of a nip in the air. People are wandering about with more of a smile on their faces, I even saw the first bumble bee of the year yesterday. Ahhh. Of course as I'm writing this a cloud has come over and started raining it's very heavy load. Still we are in April, so we have to take the occasional April shower, thems the rules sadly. Still, as they say "into every day filled with sunshine a little rain still has to fall" 'they' in this case being me of course.

It's true in life too of course. As much as we would like things to be perfect and sunny and happy all of the time, there will always be the odd thundercloud that will rear it's ugly head, skirt overhead and then drench us from head to foot from time to time. These clouds of drenching may even last a lot longer than we would like them to at times too. Although it would be unrealistic to think that we can have constant sunshine in our lives all of the time. In fact I would go as far to say, as it would be wrong if we did. A flower in bloom is a delicate and beautiful thing, but to get there it needed both sunshine and rain to be able to grow to it's full potential. The same applies to us I'm afraid as well.

I'm not saying we should be all doom and gloom and always expect the worse and become lifelong paid up members of the Pessimistic Society. It's always sound advice to try and go through life on the sunny side of the street, just don't let the odd thunder storm cloud your demeanor. ('Cloud' . . do you see what I did there, brilliant!) I just think we must learn to accept the times when we are under that cloud, because like all clouds, no matter how big they are or how long they stay overhead, do pass over us eventually and there will be bright sunshine once again. *looks outside, to see it has just proved my point by being all bright and sunny again!* Which when you find yourself under one of those dark clouds is a great thing to hold on to.

Look after yourselves, and each other.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sir Rantsalot Strikes Again

Well good morning, good day and happy Wednesday to you. Well according the the really quite lovely Carol Kirkwood on the BBC it's going to be warm and windy today. Which sounds lovely, unless you're describing a packed commuter carriage or a small lift with lots of people in it. Trust me, a lift is never good for that kind of thing, people very much frown upon it! Although, warm and windy kind of makes me think of warm beaches with white sand that's too hot to walk on in bare feet, and the tropical breeze gently blowing through the leaves of the palm trees, creating a gentle whisper which compliments the brushing of the serene tide as it laps against the shore. Sadly what we have instead seems to be mild, very still and a bit grey and damp. Could do better Mrs Kirkwood!! Please see me after class about using the correct adjectives when summing up the weather!

Of course if you are watching the news today, the weather will be the only break you will get in the constant running commentary of Mrs Thatchers funeral! Now you see, again I don't mind the BBC covering it when it happens, that is quite right and how it should be, but do they have to be there at 6:00 in the morning describing what will be happening later in microscopic detail before it actually does? It just seems a little daft to me. Yes by all means mention that it's going to be happening of course, but please don't seemingly dedicate the whole of the news to it!

Sorry about that, rant over. The weather is about right for today though, I think it helps add to the slightly downcast mental state needed for a funeral. I do of course hope it all goes ok and that certain groups of people don't spoil it and turn it into something else. I mean if you're going to attend the funeral by lining the streets, surely you should show an once of decency and respect to her family and not start acting like an arse just so you can be seen on national telly supposedly making a stand for your beliefs. Today should be about showing respect for a lost life and giving comfort to her family and celebrating the life of a great and iconic woman who had the balls to stand up for what she believed in, all be it right or wrong. In a time when women were very much still seen but not heard in the most part.

Sorry, second rant over with! Blimey that's two today! I'm a right little Sir Rantsalot today aren't I. It's just that disrespect is one of my huge niggles I have with the world in general and I try to squash it whenever it pokes it's ugly head in any way shape or form.

Right, must get on. Lots to do, all very busy here. Now where's me coffee? . . . Bum! I've left it in the kitchen area. Well must dash, keep warm, stay safe and look after yourselves the best that you can.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Two wrongs . . .

Morning. I really don't feel that my normal lighthearted bounce would be very appropriate this morning. When tragic things like what happened in Boston occur it tends to catch you off guard and take the wind from your sails. The worst thing being with things like this is that generally speaking one violent act quite often leads to more, using the first one as a reason for the second. It's sad that the first human response to these kind of things is quite often thoughts of retaliation. There will be upset and angry people, calling out for more bloodshed and demanding that other people should suffer because of this. They did this to us, so let's do something worse back to them! It sort of calls out for the age old mum saying of "two wrongs don't make a right". It's true of course even cases like this. Yes, going out and doing something horrible to those people who are responsible may seem like the fair thing to do, and it may well make some people feel better about what has already been done, but that doesn't fix the problem at the heart of it and generally speaking just makes things even worse than they were before.

Now at the moment nobody seems to know who is behind it and what their reasons were, however one thing is for sure, whatever there reasons, they are never going to be a good excuse for what happened. What is amazing, and frankly something that we should be thankful for is the fact that not more people were killed as a result. Although of course any loss of any lives in these circumstances is a tragic waste. My thoughts of course go out to all the three families who have lost someone because of it, who have had someone taken away from them so suddenly and in such a terrible way.

So here's hoping and praying that whatever comes out about what happened that it is dealt with in a sensible way and not out of anger and retaliation, because no one is able to think clearly so soon after what seems like a personal attack on them and their way of living.

Right, now I've said my piece I think it's only right that I should now try and carry on as normally as I can. (Normal of course being a relative word in my case). So sorry for being all serious heavy this morning, (although I will always find it difficult to be anything other than heavy with my stature and girth) but thanks for listening anyway.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Well by jingo and call me Bernard if it isn't jolly old Monday once more. So how have you been? Did you have a good weekend? Did you get up to much? . . . Really!! NO WAY! I thought that was actually illegal? . . . Oh it is! . . . Oh I see. Well what did they do with all the sausages and the Coatimundi's afterwards? I see, well I'm sure it'll be fine, their fur will probably grow back soon. Sorry? How was mine? Oh you know, same old, same old, nothing exciting really. Nice though, it's actually quite nice just generally pottering about in ya slippers. In fact I really enjoy a nice slow weekend of just pottering about, watching some rubbish on the telly and putting ya feet up. Maybe a cheeky Saturday afternoon snooze if you can get away with it too. lovely.

Well here we are, Monday morning looming over us like the Hooded Claw saying things like "I'll get you . . . . . . . . . . . ." (insert full name in here). "HAYELP HAYELP". Still the bright side being of course that it is now definitely starting to look more Springish out there! Yes I know Saturday was very wet, but you have to expect some of the drip drip drop of April showers surely. Sunday was lovely in the most part though wasn't it! Very Springy and sunny. Gorgeous! Oh and I also found out, if you're interested, that one of the likely contestants on Strictly this year may very well be Louise Minchin from BBC Breakfast News! It was hinted at during a conversation she was having with Edwina Curry live on the news on Saturday morning . . . Yes I watch the news from time to time . . . Tuh RUDE!

Well we're now well into the birthday month here at Tidy Towers, the BIG is approaching soon! So don't forget, to pester your favourite celebs to send me well wishes and to get your birthday cards in early of course for the big day #CarlAid40. tee hee!

Right, I have much to do and many coffee's to drink.

Toodle pips!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Two weeks to go! . . .

It's here! It's Friday! It's the start of the weekend! This calls for some classic Jacksons! Can you feel it, . . can you feel it, . . CAN YOU FEEL IT! A song which in my mind was frankly ruined by Tamperer featuring Maya in the late 90s! I mean "What's she gonna look like with a chimney on her?" I ask you! What kind of nonsense is that? Trust me, I know about writing nonsense as you can see, I'm a bit of an expert in the field, but really! A chimney!! That my friend is just silly.

Now I'm afraid I must become slightly serious for a bit. * Clears throat, shuffles in chair. . . adjusts hair . . . adopts stern face (Yes I have one of those I thank you SO very much! RUDE!)* As a nation we always do incredibly well in special charitable days, even in these times of economic downturn. Comic Relief has managed to raise a staggering £75,107,851 for good causes both home and abroad. However, I now ask you to dig deep once again. Today is Friday the 12th of April 2013 and we are now only 16 days away from a very special day of giving. Carl Aid. Yes this year will see Carl reach his 40th year and his needs are greater now than ever.

Every time I click my fingers *click* another joint starts to creak *click* another possible grey hair may appear *click* another niggling pain which he'd never noticed before suddenly becomes a reality *click* another set of stairs become harder to climb *click* another wrinkle appears where there wasn't one before *click*. But together we can stop this. For just one day we can make all these struggles seem to pale into the background and become unimportant. All it takes is for us to select a birthday card from any high street branch of card sellers. Then insert just one crisp new £5 note or whatever you can afford into the card, and post it to his address, clearing marking the envelope "Carl Aid 40".

We can bring a smile of joy to the face and the heart of this particularly needy individual. We can make his world a better place, for just one day. So I urge you to give what you can because together, we CAN make a difference. Thank you for listening.

Heehee! Such fun! Sorry about that, but there is only two weeks to go! OR only two more fridays to go!! Excitement much is going on over here I can tell you! Oh and I have just noticed, apparently Burgess Hill now has a Steak House!! Who knew!? When did this happen? How was I not informed? This may need some serious investigations! *rubs hands together*

Make sure you have an absolutely blinding Friday! Not that I wish you to become blind of course, that would be weird and cruel. Just have a good one instead. See you Monday! xx

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Nice R.A.K!

Well hello and very much a very good morning to you, my little monkey socks. Right deep breath in everyone . . .and hold it . . . keep holding it . . . and breathe out and relax. Maybe finish it off with a new big stretch and a good shake . . . Sorry, I was a little distracted by the thought of you stretching there. Am I the only one who finds the act of stretching a little bit, you know, *hushed tone* sexy? Sorry. Right, where was I? . . . Ah yes! You can't beat a good shake after a big stretch you know! No really! You should try it!

Well, a brand spanking new Thursday (Friday Eve) has arrived with us. Just a thought, why do people describe stuff as being brand "spanking" new? . . . No? . . . No, me either! Maybe it's a childbirth related thing because you used to have to slap them when they come out. Do they still do that? Although that always seemed a bit harsh to me. "Hello new person welcome to the world that you are going to live in for the rest of your life, let's make the first thing that happens to you a swift slap!" I know why they do it, it just seems a little unkind that it had to be the babies first experience of the world. It seems to me that a persons first experience of the world should be a little kinder.

Which does bring me on rather nicely for a change to what I wanted to talk about today. R.A.K or Random Acts of Kindness. You see I don't claim to be able to change the world, but I do claim, that if we all did tiny things to make other peoples life seem a little better, together we actually could. You see it doesn't take much to do something kind or a little bit thoughtful. It just needs to be enough to make the person it's aimed at think "Aww, that was nice" So really it could be anything! If someone in the house has come downstairs and has just announced they have forgotten something they want to bring down, offer to nip upstairs and get it. Or if they have just sat down, leap up and ask if they want a brew?

Of course it works even better if the person you are doing it for is a complete stranger. Just give up your place in the shopping queue to let them go first. (So long as they don't have a stacked trolley full obviously, that would be foolish) Hold a door open for someone. Or if you're at a car park, offer to pay for the person behind you in the queue for the ticket machine (If you have a spare 80p or £1.20. Or if you're out, offer to buy the bar tender a drink. Or at a restaurant make the tip a little more than you would do normally. There are literally hundreds of tiny little things we can do for other people to make them think "Awww, that was nice!". Even if you think they look grumpy and look like they don't deserve it, those are probably the people who need it the most I reckon.

You see if we all did that, the world would be a much nicer place, people would smile more, people would be more friendly. It would also have a knock on effect and it would make people want to do something small and nice for another person too, because they know how they felt when it happened to them. So as you can see a little bit of thoughtfulness and nice goes an awful long way.

So I hope this Friday Eve, treats you well. Do look after yourselves and each other (haven't said that for a while!) and go and do something tiny, but nice for someone else.

LARGE CARL HUGS to you all.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wednesday already!!

Well would you look at that, it's gone and turned into Wednesday already! It's all gone rather quickly so far this week hasn't it? Which is of course a good thing because we have gone back to the five-day week after a lovely couple of four-dayers the last couple of weeks. Still if it carries on at this rate it'll be The Blessed Friday before we know it! HUZZAH! *Raises mug of coffee in a flagon type way, before quaffing his Milicano*

So how have you been? You been coping with everything ok this week so far? Good! Although it was all a bit stressy on Monday wasn't it. Still we're over that hump now. Go on shake it all out, give yaself a brisk rub down and pat ya cheeks (Any cheeks you wish of course! pfnaar pfnaar!). Then find a mirror and blow a loud raspberry at yourself. I promise it will give you an inner smile! Oooer Mrs! See that's much better isn't it!

We had the Auditor in yesterday at work. All a bit scary, he's the bod who has to come round and check up on us to see whether or not we still deserve our lovely certificates in Quality and Environmental wonderfulness. It was like having the head teacher in the classroom for the day. Whenever I talked to him I almost felt I should be curtseying and calling him Sir all the time. Still he was actually very jolly and we passed with flying colours again. Phew!

I tell you what though, I think the TV and the papers need to turn down their Mrs Thatcher button a bit now. Yes it's very sad that she has died, but then it is also very sad when anyone dies! There is always someone that they leave behind and to that person it's like the world disappearing from beneath their feet! It is a world changing event to those people concerned. I just think that now the TV and the papers have had their say about it all and they should just give it a bit of a rest now. Otherwise there's a danger that people will get fed up with it all and it will all start getting a bit disrespectful. Which would be a shame. I realise that they will all want to cover the frankly HUGE funeral planned for next Wednesday, and that's fine you would expect them to. I'm just not sure that we need to have all the media coverage about Mrs Thatcher for the whole period between now and next Wednesday! Right, I promise that's the last Mrs Thatcher discussion from me for a bit.

Right, well time to get out there and face our Wednesdays together. Here's hoping the rest of the week is going to be a brisk as the first half has been!
Tight squeezes to you all. xx

Monday, April 8, 2013

Spare a thought!

Phew! Good morning to you! Well it's pretty yucky out there this morning and no mistake. I know it's April and the song does go "Drip drip drop little April Shower" but to be honest, singing about it, doesn't really make it any less yucky. Although on the plus side, yes there IS one, I've just thought of it! It is a lot more warmer than it has been. Ok, so it's not quite shorts weather yet I grant you, but on the other hand I did swap the big quilty thick coat for the black waterproof thin one. Sorry, don't know why I'm banging on about the weather, you've got a window you can see for yourself! (Although do make sure you're properly covered up before flinging back the curtains and having a look out the window. Don't want to go around scaring the neighbours. Unless of course that is exactly what you want to do, in which case fling away!)

I do feel I need to mention, in case you haven't heard, Maggie Thatcher died yesterday. Of course the only way you wouldn't of heard if if you are living in a cave in the middle of nowhere or are a resident in the Big Brother house, and as it's not on at the moment and if you were living in a cave, you wouldn't be reading this either, chances are that you have. I just think it's a shame and a bit of a sad reflection on us as a whole that some people think it's a good opportunity to air their views on how much they hated her!!

Look, we all know that some political choices she made and her 'no nonsense' approach to things in general made her unpopular, but let's not overlook the fact that she was human. She had a family and friends and people all around her who probably loved her very much. So it is a bit spiteful and cruel to say some of the things, that people have been saying, because you're not hurting her by saying them, you're hurting the people around her who are left behind, who had nothing what so ever to do with her leadership qualities! So before people bang on about her and paint her in a bad light, let's just think about what we say and how heartless and cruel it may seem to those around her who truly cared about her. The fact is you can say what you like about Mrs Thatcher, but whether you agreed with her or not, she was one of the strongest and one of the most iconic leaders this country of ours has ever had. Plus let's not forget, she was the first woman Prime Minister, which in itself is no mean feat!

Sorry, I'll get off my soap box at this point, it just saddens me when people just want to say things to be controversial and don't stop to think of those people they might be hurting by saying it. Plus of course, you've probably all heard far too much about Lady Thatcher as it is anyway.

Right well, I was going to talk the thankfully deep sleep I had last night, (without the use of pills) and the fact that I had a really weird dream about falling asleep and having a dream! (It was getting just like Inception, but without all the gravity changes and folding streets). Plus I was going to talk about the fact we have an Audit Person in today, all a bit nervous, it's like a Teacher coming in and checking on you! But I think I shall have to leave all that for another day now, having already taken up far too much of your time with my ramblings. So have yourself a fine Tuesday despite the weather! HUGE HUGS to you all.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Helloooooo Monday!

Good morning to you good Sir or Lady, I'm sorry I'm not really with it this morning (No you don't have to say, you're never with it anyway! RUDE!). I'm all out of sorts! Of course there is a perfectly good explanation for this! Still I trust that the weekend treated you well? Sadly mine seemed to misbehave a bit. Well Friday night was ok, didn't get up to anything sadly but it was nice and relaxing, so it fulfilled it's requirements sufficiently. It was Saturday night that played up for me. I had one of those nights that I'm sure we have all had, when you just can't sleep. There was no rhyme nor reason for it! (Always troubled me, that saying as well. I mean why would you have a rhyme for something, just because you couldn't explain it? Still I digress).

I had done all my usual bedtime routine stuff of course and I was doing the final part of reading a book till the point when you find yourself so tired that you start to have to read the lines twice, because you are having trouble keeping your eyes open. (If your were wondering, I'm re-reading Lords & ladies by Terry Pratchett, hilariously funny!) Normally when I get to this point, I can put my book down, turn over and sleep happens! Well Saturday night it didn't. The only cause I can possibly think of is that I did have a kind of nervous excitement going on, a bit like butterflies in the stomach. Although there was no rhyme for that either! Anyway I laid awake trying desperately to be asleep for quite some time, before I gave up and went downstairs to make a milky drink. (I don't know why we do that! I think it's something our Mothers teach us we must do if we can't sleep. I'm sure there is a Sciencey reason for it, sadly I don't know what that is.) So I had that and thought, thing will be fine now! They weren't. So I carried on being awake and wanting to sleep for hours and hours. I twisted and turned and tied myself up in the duvet, then flung off the duvet. Then tried to pull the duvet back on and grabbed the wrong bit so then I couldn't work out why the duvet was no longer fitting! So then you have to get out of bed and sort out the duvet, so it at least resembles a duvet again, before repeating the whole process.

I think it was around 3:45 I decided to get my little book light and start reading again, to see if I could convince my brain that I was starting my going to sleep routine from the beginning again, so it knew that it was supposed to be shutting off for the night (Of which there wasn't much of at this point!). Suffice to say I think I managed just under two hours of sleep on Saturday, which is rubbish!! Not at least because it makes ya brain all fuzzy the next day and it actually feels like your face hurts.

Anyway, I thought I would try and skip some of that drama last night and downed a couple of elephant strength sleeping pills. (No there's no need to be rude and make similarities between me and an elephant I thank you so very much indeed. RUDE!)

The pills did seem to work a treat though, sleeping did happen quite soon after me putting my book down. So in that respect they performed admirably. The only trouble is since my alarm went off this morning I'm still feeling asleep here! It's weird, I know I'm awake, what with all the moving around and looking at stuff I'm doing but my brain and face still feel like they are sound asleep! Which of course doesn't bode well for the rest of the day! As Garfield the cat quite rightly said on a number of occasions "Helloooooooo Monday!" Still I hope yours turns out ok, oh and sleep well tonight!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Give hugs a chance!

Blessings be upon your house and welcome to your most convivial of days. The Blessed Friday. Which of course has come round a lot sooner than normal this week. Although it was expected, so we don't need to rush about the house panicking and trying to tidy things up while running, or trying to hide our pants which are all hanging on the laundry clothes horse in the lounge by the radiator trying to get the darn things dry, because we still can't put anything outside to dry even though it's flippin April! So relax, have a nice big stretch, maybe a nice cup of tea, and an early morning biscuit! Yes that is allowed on a Friday, biscuits before breakfast, shocking I know, but there it is.

There, I trust we are all comfy now *looks around the room over top of some imaginary half moon spectacles* Good. I've brought in some lovely Lindt chocolate chicks for everyone in the office today, I was supposed to bring them in last Thursday of course, but with all the craziness that was happening here I'm afraid it totally slipped my mind. Still they are here now and I've just had some fun arranging them on everyone's desks peeping over keyboards or from behind telephones. Such fun! hehehe. Yes of course I shall pretend I have no idea how they got there, I do that every year! *claps hands and bounces with excitement*

Well it's all very doom and gloom in the news as always so I do try to ignore all those things in the most part. Especially with the North Korea shenanigans which seem to be building up to nastiness. The only good thing to come out of it of course hearing the name Ban Ki-moon on the radio and telly. (Always heard in my head as Banky Moon of course) He sounds like he should have his own childrens programme on CBBC. Mind you he always looks like such a lovely, smiley, friendly man as well, the kind of person you could easily hug!
Just the sort of person you need to sort out all the naughty people I reckon, because they'll see him and hear his name and just go "Awwwwww" then go in for a cuddle. Hugging is definitely the way forward into any peace process I reckon, first thing they should do in fact. Just go up to whoever is playing up with open arm and just tell them to come in for a hug. Maybe give the back of their head a little rub while you're doing it and just ask them what seems to be their problem. The world would be a much better place for it I reckon.

Right well, that's world put to rights once again, do have yourselves a frankly gorgeous weekend, however you spend it. Well as the bell for end of lessons has gone off, which is a signal for me and not for you to grab your coats and run off, (Sorry I went all teacher there for a bit) I'll see you back behind your desks bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on Monday!

Friday Eve already!

Good Morrrrning to you! Well would you look at that, if it isn't Thursday already, Or Friday Eve of course. Even weirder I think it actually feels like a Thursday as well today. Yesterday definitely felt more like a Tuesday though, so it seems in my mind at least I've missed out on a Wednesday. Still here we are anyway arrived safely. I suppose some of you lucky things are still off enjoying Easter Holidays with the kiddywinks? Well I say enjoying, probably more barely coping, this far along in the proceedings. Still not long now before they go back to school, so hang in there.

I can't believe it's now April, (The BIG Birthday month) and we are still having such rudeness as flurries of snow! Yes 'flurries' is a nice word, just a shame it it used to describe something we're frankly not that keen on this far along the year. I'm sure, around this time last year i had me shorts on! Honestly Great British Weather I think I should write "Could do better!" in your homework book! I might even put in a "See me after lesson" in there as well, and give it a very stern talking to about it's lack of effort. Then let it know it better jolly well buck it's ideas up or I shall be sending a letter home to it's parents!

Still it is Friday Eve and by the looks of things, it will start warming up slightly come the weekend. Phew! I've still got lot's to do here and a few "Screamers" have come in. Those are the jobs where you get next to no time to achieve masses of work because some clients are idiots and think that what they want just magically happens by the time they need it, no matter how short the time frame happens to be! Although of course, luckily for them I'm SO frankly stunning at my job, most of the time they do seem to get done! Nothing like blowing your own trumpet from time ti time I say. Well no one else offers to do it, so you may as well have a blast yourself ay!

Right, well, coffee is done, Ready Brek is done, time to crack on being simply magnificent I suppose! So I bid you 'adieu' and then lightly kiss you on all four cheeks!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Simnel Shenanigans

Deep breath in . . . and hold it . . . and breathe out slowly. There. That was a cleansing breath. A breath to signify the overcoming of the work hurdle that I have been struggling with for the last week and a half, even though it feels like it been a good month since I've manged to be behind my morning address reigns. I've missed you all SO much, here have a great big lift and spin hug, for they are the best kind ((((((SQUEEEEEEEEEEEZE!)))). I still have much to do of course just not quite so much of a muchness that it feels like it's too much! Ooo I've said much to much now and now it sounds weird. Sorry.

Well how the Dickens and his Devil are we? It's been SO long! I trust we all had a lovely Easter breaket? Where we celebrated the protracted suffering and death on the Cross of Jesus and his triumphant resurrection by eating mildly spiced fruit buns and chocolate eggs. No, I've never really understood the logic of that one either.

Still a couple of days added to the weekend is always welcome along with the mildly spiced fruit buns and chocolate. Oh and there's always Simnel Cake as well. Does anyone still make or have a Simnel Cake these days? Maybe that was back in the day when Easter used to feel a bit more like Christmas when it came around. It's true, Easter used to be a much bigger event in my eyes than it seems to be these days. It used to be like having a second Christmas, there would be big films on the telly, and Easter Specials! Then we'd all sit round and have a big Turkey dinner, just like Christmas, and people used to send cards and you'd get eggs from all your rellys. Now it's just seen as just another bank holiday. All be it one where shops can fill there shelves with Easter Eggs for two months beforehand, apart from the ones you are specifically trying to find of course, you'll never find them!

Sorry about that, cynical me just sneaked out for an airing there! I shall put him back in his box for another day. Still it's now Wednesday already, which is weird! It definitely feels more like a Tuesday, which means Friday will seem like a Thursday, so it will be like we're having another Good Friday on Saturday! Fab! Although I'm pretty sure we'll all be doing normal Saturday things, so the whole one day feeling like another may well cancel itself out by the time we get there! Thank goodness, it's exhausting!

Right well, that's enough of my muttering, before I bore you all to tears, when I've only been back for one day! Must let you get on I suppose. Plus I still have all the 'much' to deal with myself! See you tomorrow! Toodles!