Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Things that go bump and meow in the night

Good morning dear friends, colleagues. This morning I would like to offer a formal apology. An apology to my, let's face it, long suffering good lady wife. You see, to start with last night was much like any other night just before sleep. I had read for a bit, to the point of tired where my eyelids became heavy and I had re-read the same few sentences over and over again, because I had got to that point of sleepy when I couldn't really concentrate and my eyes had kept closing. So I put down the book on the bedside table then plugged in my earplug to listen to Radio 4 Xtra as I drifted off to Slumberland. All was just as it should be and I was happily drifting off. Then I heard a noise. It sounded like one of our cats had jumped down from the window sill and onto the bedroom floor. Now at this point I should really explain that as rule we try and keep the cat's out of the bedroom. Mostly because the Wonderous Lady T suffers from a mild case of cat allergy. Most of the time it's ok, but we still like to make sure that the cats don't get in the bedroom.

Anyway I had heard what I thought was a cat jumping down into the bedroom from one of the open windows. You see despite what we think we know about about cat's they still are quite thumpy when they jump down from things. Plus of course I heard the jingle of the collar when it landed. So I immediately sat up and in a semi-conscious state just pointed at the window and blurted out "CAT!" At this point, wonderful Lady T looked at me a little confused and said "What!?" So I repeated the action and said "CAT! Cat's got in the window". So she removed her earplugs (Sadly, an absolute must in order for her to have any chance of sleeping next to me) and said "Sorry I had my earplugs in, I didn't hear anything". Meanwhile I just laying there looking like a village idiot just pointing and saying "Cat! In the room".

Dutifully the marvelous Lady T then proceeded to get out of bed and look around the room, and out of the curtains while trying to explain that the windows weren't open wide enough for one to get in anyway. Then she looked in the en-suite (Ooo! Get me and my en-suite) Still no cat to be seen, and the door was closed to the walk-in wardrobe (Yes, walk-in wardrobe, Ooo very fancy) so she couldn't of got in there. All the while I was just sitting up in bed looking confused, and saying "I don't understand, I definitely heard it!". After a little while and further investigations into the non-existent cat the long suffering Amazing Mrs T gave up and came back to bed, leaving me to somewhat in a state of confusion go back to sleep.

So with that in mind, I would like to offer my most sincere apology to my very long suffering Mrs who has to put up with more than her fair share of my madness for most of the time. I am truly very very sorry. If in the future I think I hear an imaginary invisible cat, I shall endeavor to be the one who get's up and goes searching for it. Once again, I'm sorry. Still as my Mrs said in a related post last night, "At least it wasn't aliens this time!" (Seriously, don't even get me started on them little blighters!)

Hey ho! See you tomorrow, and enjoy the sunshine!

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