Monday, June 10, 2013

Into every life a little rain must fall

Well slam dunk da funk if it isn't 'The Tuesday' already! To be honest with you that Monday, although it passed through relatively quickly, it certainly did ruffled my feathers! (Metaphorically speaking of course. Thankfully, feathers are not on the list of things you start to mysteriously start sprouting as a man after hitting 40) It was nothing huge, just many many things that were all apparently super urgent and all had URGENT written on them in capital letters with red biro and underlined several times, just so I was more aware of how URGENT they in fact were! Grrrr . . . I hate those shouty URGENT job bags. I could of certainly quite happily managed without their presence on a Monday. Still, as I've always said, we can all only do, what we can do, and nothing is going to change that, so we shouldn't really worry too much about these things. Although we all do of course. Personally I wouldn't know what my head would be full of, if it wasn't constantly worrying about something or other!? (Don't answer that! The answer was bound to be rude!)

Still, today does seem to be starting on calmer waters and for a 'The Tuesday' that is pretty much all I can hope for. Still got things of the URGENT variety to achieve but hopefully all will be well. Yes it does look like we may be having some of that wet stuff falling from the sky onto our heads today, but as the saying goes "Into each life a little rain must fall". A true fact there if ever there was one. If you were wondering it's from a poet called Henry Wadsworth i believe. Still he makes a good point, we can't go around expecting every day to be sunshine and smiles. As much as we would like them to be, sadly most of the time that isn't the case. All we can do is do our very best to try and make other people's lives a bit sunnier and smilier by being the person who tries to bring them. I think if we all did that, the world be a much nicer place to be.

Although Henry Wadsworth, might of got it right when he said that, I think overall the rest of the poem is a bit bleak and maudling to be honest. Still I suppose you have to be a bit bleak and maudling to be a successful poet? I do think however that the last verse of his poem would sounded a lot better if he had swapped a few lines around, and maybe added an extra one, like this:

Into each life some rain must fall,
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Some days must be dark and dreary,
But take ease and rest, all that are weary,
Be still, sad heart! and cease repining;
For behind the clouds the sun is still shining.

So rest well dear travelers on the Tuesday highway,
I'll see you tomorrow, halfway to friday.

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