Sunday, June 9, 2013

Moanday again . . .

Good morning, good day and indeed welcome to your Moanday. Yes I did spell that correctly thank you. I really think we should be allowed to change the names of the week to more appropriate names. Of course this could be done on a country by country basis and every country would get to submit their ideas for the new names of the days of their week. The only rule being that their choice of name would have to end in ". . . day". 'Moanday' would be such a better name for it I feel, as let's be honest, we do spend a good proportion of our Mondays moaning about something. Be it the lack of sunshine, the amount of work we have facing us, the fact that we just have to get up early again or the fact that some weekend plans were scuppered in some way. (Ooo 'Scuppered' another word for my list of words I enjoy saying). Whatever it is we do generally find something good to moan about on a Monday morning. So Moanday it is.

Sorry, small side track I went down there. For all I know you may of all had marvelous, unbridled, gratuitous weekends of sheer delight! (hmmm gratuitous another good one) You may well be coming to the table with tales unrepentant joy and laughter filled weekends of utter bliss. Although I fear, that for most of us it was just a normal weekend, when we busied ourselves with the normal trudge of chores that must be done, and a Sunday that really wasn't as sunny as we all hoped it was going to be. Before waking up and realising it was Monday morning once again and we will have to jump on the week-day merry-go-round and start peddling towards the weekend once more.

Still, as always, I find that a Monday is always made slightly easier to cope with when I turn on the telly box while I'm getting ready to see the lovely Susanna Reid beaming back at me. Although I really do think that the BBC should have some kind of warning on screen about her. Something like "WARNING: Some viewers will find the presence of Susanna Reid very distracting and may well spend far to much time gawping at the screen rather than getting ready for work" (hehe "Gawping" yet another good one!) She really is though! I mean her mouth might be saying things like "A new survey has revealed that as a nation we really don't have a proper understanding of food hygiene" but her eyes are definitely saying something different! Her eyes are saying "Underneath this prim and proper exterior is a very very naughty person waiting and wanting to get out and do very naughty things". Although to be fair, that may just be how my mind works first thing in the morning. Sorry about that.

Still, must crack on and busy myself with Moandayness I suppose. Lot's to do and usual stresses to cope with and all that. See you all tomorrow!

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