Monday, June 17, 2013

Good Morningtude!

Salutations, hello and good morningtude to you. Yes! I made up a word there, 'morningtude' In the 'Carl's Concise Mostly English Dictionary' it says this:
Morningtude [mor.ning.tude]: Normally used as a greeting, meaning literally, your morning attitude.

So I am wishing you a very fine morningtude indeed! Although it is slightly easier today, (even though it's a The Tuesday) as it looks as though the sun may come out to greet us again. Although obviously do make sure and carry a wet weather coat with you, as we all know it is actually impossible to dress for the weather in this country. They do keep saying there will be showers during the day. Can't have it all our own way, although wouldn't it be good if we could.

Still, gladly I see we have all survived yet another Monday. We haven't quite yet got into the full flow of the week yet, but that normally kicks in at some point on a Tuesday afternoon, around 2:36pm. So do look out for that point today. You'll be busy doing something or other (whatever it is that you do to keep yourself from mischief during the day) and you'll realise that you are suddenly totally wrapped up in what you are doing and you are just thinking of the task in hand and what the next task is and how quickly you can achieve it so you can get onto the next one. That is the point you have found your flow for the week.

Oh! and for those of you that are at all interested, I do have news! I have decided to actually write that book, that has been floating around in my head for the last month or so. If for no other reason than it will get all the ideas out of head and stop them flooding all my idle moments. It seems that when ever my brain has the chance to switch off, instead it has been coming up with another idea for the story. So really the only way to stop this I see is to actually get them out of my head and onto paper. Well, probably a word document to begin with. The idea of it ever actually making it to being on paper is highly unlikely. Still, once it is finished I shall be trying my hardest to try and see that it does. I mean there's no harm in trying is there. So as they say, do watch this space.

Right, well believe it or believe it not, I do have things myself I must rush off and do, so best go and make a start on them. Do have yourself a copable Tuesday. I'm sure it will pass without too many unwanted shenanigans. (Is copable a word? Or did I just make that up as well?) See you tomorrow! x

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