Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Send in the Nap Mats!

MORNING!! Sorry bit loud. morning! *whispers* How are we? I a bit of an early start again today, I was up at the crack of dawn again. (No! Stop it! Don't make a frankly very rude joke about someone called Dawn at this point, it would be far too crass for this early in the morning. I thank you so very much) I was up with early birds (none of them were called Dawn by the way) and the small hoppity bunnys, and was at work at about 5:40 this morning. I had to meet one of our installers here to send him off with a job to go and do at six.

On the plus side, this will mean I will be able to skidaddle off early this afternoon, but matchsticks still may be called upon to keep my eyes open this evening. Still, I always have been a bit of an early bird. I'm definitely at my most productive during the very early hours. Unfortunately this does mean that by about 3:00pm I do get a bit restless and fidgety. In fact I think that we should really take a leaf out of playgroups and use it in the work place.

Wouldn't it be nice if at about 3:00pm in workplaces across the country, the machines were switched off, the computers shut down, the blinds drawn and we all settled down for half an hours nap time. It would be lovely! We could all bring in pillows and blankies from home, then take off our shoes and settle down for a little mid afternoon power nap. In fact workplaces could also then supply little "Nap mats" as well. Nap Mats being a product I just made up. Basically long foam mats with a cotton covering, in a variety of colours and designs. You could have themed "Nap Mats" for what ever was the current in thing. Like a 'Man of Steel' Nap Mat or a Nap Mat with a lovely picture of Jessie J or Robin Thicke on it, whoever floats your boat really.

I do think though that there is probably a multitude of sciencey facts that I could bend or stretch or just make up as to why this would be a benefit to us as a Nation as a whole, but to be honest I think that most people would just love the idea and want to do it anyway! Mid afternoon naps are definitely a step in the right direction for us Brits in the workplace I think.

Do enjoy your Wednesday, with or without a Nap Mat and a blankie.
See you tomorrow!

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