Wednesday, May 15, 2013

When your brain stays asleep

Well hello there fellow weary traveler on this life's great road. Welcome to your very own Friday Eve. It is a little chilly and foggy out there this morning so do watch how you're going. Although there does seem to be a promise of some sunshine today, so all is not entirely lost. Even if it does feel more like Autumn at the moment.

Well yesterday was a little manic and frantic I can tell you. It was one of those days when you feel like you are metaphorically constantly chasing fires. There was a sudden influx of 'Screamers' as they seem to be referred to here. Which basically means jobs that you don't really have enough time to do, but have to do them anyway. So I was leaping from one to the next, pretty much all day yesterday. So here's hoping that today will be a lot less 'squeaky bum time', else I fear for my sanity. (What do you mean? 'What sanity?' RUDE!)

Well, I can't speak for you of course (Although wouldn't it be weird if I actually could! I could cause all kinds of shenanigans!) but I did find it very very hard getting out of bed this morning. Normally, I'm relatively ok at this daily event. I'm one of these people who hears the alarm, then flings of the duvet while trying to press the right button to turn the alarm off (Never an easy task). Then I just swing myself round and bustle the bathroom. For some reason though my head and brain were still very much asleep when my alarm started bleeping at me this morning. It was like someone and been in during the night and replaced my brains (such as they are) with porridge! Firstly I was facing the wrong way, normally I wake up facing my alarm clock. So then I was trying to turn off the alarm and fling the duvet off backwards. Something I have to inform you is not very easy. Eventually my brain did work out that it was probably better to actually turn over before attempting such a task, but it did take a while for it to work it out!

After several attempts and pressing all other buttons aside from the correct one, I did manage to turn of the alarm. Then getting out of bed itself became a real struggle. Normally I would just fling my legs round and sit up at the same time. I'm sure we all do something similar, it's basic physics you swing your legs together and they act as a lever to help right your torso into a sitting up position. Although this morning I even seem to struggle with this concept and just kind of just flailed around like fish on the river bank, totally forgetting my normal method. After discovering that flapping arms and legs doesn't actually help you sit up, I did eventually kind of rolled towards the edge of the bed and rolled my legs off and managed to get up, before shuffling to the bathroom looking and sounding a bit like a zombie.

I feel ok now, it's just a bit worrying when you suddenly forget how to wake up! I hope I'm not coming down with something? Maybe I just slept too heavily? Who knows! Still I shall be waiting to see if it's any easier tomorrow.

Toodle pips! xx

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