Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tuesday is well 'behind' us!

Good morning, good day and a tumultuous 'Well hello' to you. So how are things on your side of the mountain? Well I have to say it! That Tuesday really wasn't as bad as all that really was it? Sure it was a little poopy in places and the weather certainly didn't help any, but generally not too bad. Certainly everything here seemed to go roughly according to the plan in my head, which is always good. (Yes, of course I have have plans!! RUDE!) Still, I shall now cast aside the shackles of 'The Tuesday' and welcome the warm roundness of a comforting Wednesday to nestle against me. Ahhh that's better.

Yes it's mid-week already! Only a few short hours before we can grab our mats with the little foot pocket at the end and ride the long bumpy slide towards the weekend. Where of course we shall leap off the bumpy slide and collect our free Candy Floss on a stick, (It's always better on a stick, rather than just in a bag isn't it!) before we head over to the Waltzer and actually make ourselves feel a bit ill. Oops, sorry about that, I seem to run away and got lost with my own metaphor again. (Don't know if you've noticed, but I do tend to do that)

So today is the 15th of May, which did you know, (brace yourself fact fans) was the day in 1649 that Oliver Cromwell and the then 'Rump Parliament' (No I didn't make that up, it really is a type of Parliament) declared England a 'commonwealth' or free state! True fact! I do like the idea of a 'Rump Parliament' though, sounds so much more fun, if a little saucy. Still I do like a little bit of sauce as I'm sure you know. If you were wondering a 'Rump Parliament' is any parliament left over from the actual parliament after some kind of overthrowing I believe. Of course having said I'd quite like a 'Rump Parliament' I think it is kind of what we've got at the moment anyway! It certainly seems like there's more than enough arses in the government to call it that anyway! Haha!

Still, things to do, and printers to swear at! (that's the machines themselves by the way and not a poor person who runs a large press) So I really must crack on! (I'm sorry there really has been far too many bottom related references in my little blog this morning)

See you all tomorrow! xxx

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