Friday, May 3, 2013

Pay attention class!

AHEM!! Eyes front please! . . .Good morning class . . . *awaits the screeching of chairs as the class stands up, and the droning chorus of "Good Morning Mr Tidy" said in a singy way* . . . Right! Now settle down please class, I SAID SETTLE DOWN! That means YOU as well Mitchell. There's always one isn't there and it's usually you Mitchell isn't it!? See me after class! . . . Yes, ok, I know you are all terribly excited because it's a Friday and it's nice and sunny and there is a sunny and warm bank holiday weekend approaching, but that is NO reason to go around acting like a insane battalion of manic, eccentric lunatics!! . . . OH who am I kidding! It's a PERFECT reason to go around acting like a battalion of manic, eccentric lunatics!! Let's GO NUTS! WOOOOO!! YIP!! YIP!! WHEEEEEEEE!!!

Seriously! Who would of thunk that a month ago when it was still minus silly temperature and snow was still happening in places, that come May Day Bank Holiday it would be feeling like Summer! Glorious!! Yes indeed, it promises to be a damn fine Bank Hol weekend. So get out there and fire up the barbeque! I know some of you already have! Yes! I'm looking at you!! Or go and do that meet up in the pub beer garden, you've been meaning to do, or get yaself down the beach with all the other thousands of people, if the sea is what floats your boat! (Haha! Did you see what I did there!). Just let's not waste it! Really sunny and nice Bank Hols a rarer than the Lesser Spotted Shimmering Twingle in this country so I say to heck with any plans you may of had. You know what they say about "The best laid plans of mice and men" Although that's always made me wonder what 'Mice Plans' are!? Something like: 1. Make semi-circular hole in skirting board. 2. Get cheese. 3. Run away from cat. 4. Somehow trick cat into running into and ironing board for comedic purposes. Sorry I got side tracked there! Basically what I'm saying is, go do something a little special because this will surely the weekend to do it! So get out there and make some happy memories!

Yesterday I was inspired by a great friend who was wearing a Kilt and a Fez, (excellent look, by the way) so this morning I decided to give in and get the shorts out the cupboard! (Really MUST get myself a kilt!) So if anyone wishes to by me a belated 40th birthday present, a Utility Kilt would be the one for me thank you so very much. That's really all I'm going to say today, I'm keeping it shorter and sweeter so we don't waste another moment and can get on and languish in the warm gloriousness of a frankly fabulous Friday!

See you all on The Tuesday! (Unless I see you in a beer garden before that of course!) xx

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