Thursday, May 23, 2013

Still welcoming the Friday no matter what it looks like!

BRRRRR and a very brisk Welcome to morningside to you. Oh I must tell you, I saw the new 'Star Trek Into Darkness' film last night at the old 3D iMAX. It was SO many boxes of awesome, twas brilliant! Oh and for those that may be a fan of such things and will know what I am talking about, I can promise you without spoiling anything that at some point the new Jim Kirk does say the the phrase "Bones! What are you doing with that Tribble?" Brilliant!!

Honestly I think the weather seems to be stuck in Autumn at the moment, it's chilly enough to leave ya fingers feeling cold at the ends out there today, and it's raining and grey and just a bit BRRRR. Plus I still have quite a lot to achieve by the end of play tonight eeek!!

Still, on a brighter note I can't help but notice that the cheeky puppy of Fridayness has once again settled itself firmly on the hearth rug of Hope and it looks very content indeed. Yes the weather really isn't what it should be, but let's not forget that it IS Friday and it IS more importantly a Friday before the blissful gladness of a Bank Holiday Monday!

Remember, that on Bank holiday weekends, even if we're not up to much and are just planning to mooch about a bit. The restless pangs of disappointment we usually get around Sunday tea time knowing that the weekend is nearly done and the clockwork of another working week is nearly upon us cease to exist. So we can let go and be a little happier and enjoy the novelty of yet another evening knowing that we still have a full day of play to come.

So let's not let a little patch of dampness spoil our day! (Hmmm, that sounded a lot better in my head. Perhaps I should re-phrase it) . . . ahem . . . SO, let's not let a little spell of damp weather spoil our day! (Yup! that's much better) Who cares if it's a bit drizzly and slightly chilly! It's a brand new Friday out there and a Friday that is promising us the magnificence of an extra day of weekend! So let's welcome this Friday as if it were bright and sunny, and warm enough for shorts! Fling open your arms to the day and hold onto it and squeeze it so tightly that it makes a little groan!

Look after one another until we meet again on the other side of the mountain.

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