Monday, May 27, 2013

Rested and ready

Morning! Yes it IS morning I'm afraid and yes it IS one of those mornings we have to try and persuade our tired weary bodies to leave the comfort and slumber of it's cozy warm bed. So it can get up and go achieve relative greatness, normally on the behalf of and the benefit of others. Yes I'm afraid the Bank holiday has once again slipped through our fingers like white sand from a hot Palm strewn beach. Still there is a bright side! (all be it quite a small one) I trust you have noticed that today is grey and damp and 'orrible! Much like it was on Friday, if you can cast your mind back that far? Which is a GOOD thing, because normally over a bank holiday, due to the 'law of sod'. It's the days before and directly after a Bank Holiday that are lovely and the weekend of the bank holiday is rubbish! So in a small way it's good that it's rubbish today and was actually quite lovely yesterday! Yes I know it's quite a small strand of 'bright side' but it is there none the less and I shall be thankful for it.

So I trust you all had pleasant ones and are all suitably refreshed or at least suitably frayed around the edges? I for one had a fairly quiet one and generally bummed about and caught up with a few films with the family that I got for my birthday. I also spent a lot of time cataloging my spotify music into years for use of music quizes, yes alright, a bit sad I know, but it keeps me out of mischief. So far I have I have all the top selling tunes, from each year from 1970 - 2006! I only intend to go as far as 2010 and back as far as 1960 as I think that will do. Also, here at Tidy Towers we managed to achieve our first barbeque of the year on Saturday evening (which was nice). Ahh the smell of the barbeque spreading it's exquisite odors over the back gardens of the neighbourhood, enticing others to do the same. Still it was all rather lovely.

Right, well I suppose I had better stop all this waffling and go and achieve some more relative greatness on the behalf of, and the benefit of others, as I once again have one less day to achieve it all in. Stay safe, be friendly and look after each other. See you tomorrow!

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