Friday, May 10, 2013

The Curious Happening in Plumtree Avenue.

It was during a particularly blustery day, that the hotchpotch of letters had fallen from the poor postman's overturned trolley. (They don't have sacks anymore!) He found himself whining in despair while desperately scrabbling to collect them all before they blew away. When a fortunate stroke of serendipity came to pass. The wind ceased to blow, the sun came out from behind a cloud, and three kindly strangers appeared apparently from nowhere, and immediately started helping the stricken postman collect his mislaid letters.

Peter, for this was the name of the postman in question was overwhelmed with gratitude, if a little shocked at the sudden help. Although couldn't help but wonder where the three kindly strangers had come from and just who they were. He looked at them while he busily collected the scattered envelopes from the ground with the help from the three. They looked very officious in their matching long black rain coats and wide brimmed fedora hats.

Very soon, all the spilled envelopes and packages had been collected up and returned to Peter's toppled trolley, which had now been helped back onto it wheels. Peter was just about to launch into giving them thanks and telling them how kind they were, when the tallest of the strangers walked up to him, and shook him warmly by the hand using both of his leather gloved hands (because handshakes with both hands always feel more sincere) and said in a very calm and reassuring voice "No need to thank us Peter, it was a pleasure to help you" Then the three smiled at Peter and continued on their way.

Peter smiled and felt that warm glow you get, when someone does something kind for you. He was just about to carry on with his round when he suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned and said, "Hold on a minute, how did you know my name?" but the three strangers were nowhere to be seen. They had seemingly completely vanished! All that remained was the sound of a lone blackbird chirping in the distance, the now soft breeze on his face and the neat and freshly cut front gardens and damp pavements of Plumtree Avenue

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