Tuesday, May 7, 2013

T. H. Ministies, I'm just doing my job!

It's ok! I know how you're feeling! You've woken up to discover that the glorious Summerette we've been experiencing has gone. The welcoming sunshine has gone and been replaced with grey clouds and rain. Yes it's going to make things a little tougher and seem a little bleaker, but we can get though this! Like I've said before we all need a little rain in our lives, otherwise like little flowers we won't be able to grow. So let's not see the rain as a depressing thing, let's look at it as something we need to carry on. A little bit of a life giver if you will. Come on, come in here and we'll all huddle together and have one of those really awkward group hug moments, where you don't really know where to put your arms, and sometimes you just kind of find yourself in the middle and unable to participate in the hugging, so just become a hugee. Not that there's anything wrong with that of course. In fact that can be quite nice sometimes. Just hold your arms tight by your side and feel the squish of a really big hug. See! That's much better isn't it!? Well I feel better for it anyway. There's not many situations in life when a hug can make you feel even a tiny bit better about things. That's just a fact!

I do of course offer a hug ministry as you know, the emergency red phone will ring and I will get the call. It could be something like this. "Hello is that Tidy Hug Ministries? . . . Yes, well it's raining and I'm having a 'I feel ugly and unloved' kind of day. Can you get here as soon as possible please" So of course I jump into the Hugulance (It was going to be called the Squeezewagon but honestly that sounded a bit rude . . . ok a lot rude) then I rush round to where ever I'm needed as soon as I can get there. Then it's just a matter of confirming the details and then opening my arms to deliver the much needed huggle. Then it's just back to office to await the next call. Yes it's a busy life, but I feel that I am just another emergency service, just doing my job.

In 1973 a crackpot was born and should of been sent away for not being normal, maybe even commited. This man promptly escaped normal life and became slightly odd and a bit special. Today, not wanted by the government, he survives as soldier of sunshine. So, If you have a problem - if no one else can help - and if you can find him - maybe you can call on: T.H. Ministries!

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