Thursday, July 18, 2013

Summer dreams, make you feel fine

Well a rootin' tootin' good day and good morning to you all, this fine, bright and slightly frisky Friday. (Although do try to go a little easy on the 'tootin' side of things as this can often offend) I really can't believe it, we've had over two weeks of what we would call proper Summer and it's still promising to continue! Long may it last I say, you won't ever find me moaning about sunshine, I lurrrrve the sunshine regardless of how warm it may be. (Me and the sunshine, sittin' in a tree . . . ). It just brings out the best in us doesn't it! Well most of us, anyway. I know there are those who suffer because of it, so I can't really claim it for all parties.

We do however find ourselves more open to smile at people, even complete strangers we may pass on the street. Of course, if we do converse with passers by after smiling at them, being English we only really have two options that we normally reach for, which are: "Hot enough for you!?" or "Cold enough for you!?" which we should then end with a polite chuckle at our hilarious statement. At the moment we can only really sensibly use the first option, as trying to use sarcasm on a passer by never works. Take it from me, they just look confused at you and suddenly cross over the road.

We all have our own favourite Summer songs to listen to as well don't we. I heard mine on the way into work this morning actually, which is 'Ventura Highway' by America, if ya interested. I know the marvelous Lady T's is 'Ocean Drive' by The Lighthouse Family. Still whatever yours is, go bung it on and crank up the volume, you will feel better for it! Summer is also of course the time when we should also be making plans to do whatever it is that makes us feel more Summery! Be that cold beer in a pub garden, a barbecue with friends, stroll along the beach or a drive along a long coast road. Whatever it is make plans and go do that thing! Because the best thing we can do with this rare and glorious Summer we're currently experiencing is to make some glorious memories to go with it.

Do look after yourselves, I'll see you lovely lot Monday.

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