Stop the ride, I wanna get off.
morning and good day to all you wondrous folks, and may I say how
perfectly peachy you are all looking at this very moment in time. Yes
even you! In fact, especially you! Just don't ever change, you're
practically perfect just as you are. Sorry, got a mouthful here, please
excuse me while I finish my bowl of Jordans. (Other cereals are
available, always read the label and please enjoy cereals responsibly) .
. .
There! All done, sorry about that I also had to nip off to
leave a note for the milkman as well. Yes we have a milkman here at the
office, one that we can leave notes in top of milk bottles for about
milk supply, it's all very lovely out here in the rural little business
park in which I nestle. We even have a postie who pops in when he brings
the letters, just to say good morning. It's all very 1978 here, which
of course I do think is lovely.
It is quite easy to slip into nostalgic, backward facing feelings and miss the way things were
isn't it? It seems to me life was just a little more meaningful way
back when. We seem to live in a world of wanting things, and wanting
them instantly at our fingertips. We're so caught up in knowing what's
going on around us, and we pour our lives into things like Facebook and
Twitter, of which, I am probably one of the most guilty, that we don't
ever really see what's really going on around us.
Life just
flows around us at such a pace that we never really have time to stop
and take it in. Excuse me for sounding like a cheesy advertising line,
but it seems to me that we're so busy cataloging and reporting our
thoughts, our dreams and our memories, that we don't ever get the real
opportunity to make any or do any that really count. Then before we know
it, we find that we have left it too late to do anything about it.
So I guess what I'm trying to say here, is that there is nothing wrong
with stopping and having a bit of backward thinking every now and then,
in fact it's probably the best way forward.
Tally ho!
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