Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ahhh breathe in the Fridayness

We look up and notice that once again, the grey tinged clouds of the passing week are drifting slowly apart, to reveal the bright golden sunshine of another Friday. So we find ourselves at the far end of the weeks port. Standing on a jetty, and breathing in the cooling ozone. We listen to the faint call of the seagulls in the distance as they crowd over and dive bomb a small trawler, as it returns from it's nights work. Then from around the headland the bow of the mighty 'Friday' liner slides silently into view, before sounding it's thunderous horns. Letting everyone know that the time is very nearly upon us. When we can excitedly board and set sail for the wide open expanse of Weekend that is stretching out before us.

Oh yes it's Friday! Can you believe it! It really has gone quite quickly this week hasn't it? I am feeling a little tired and achy this morning, due to three random bouts of cramp during the night. I haven't had bad cramp for ages, so I don't know what particularly brought it on last night. It was the kind of cramp that you get in your calf muscles, the kind where you seem to have no option but to leap out of bed as fast as you can and do the quick 'walk around the bedroom dance' to try and stop it. Normally accompanied by the "HmmmMMMmmm HmmmmMMMmm" song that apparently you have to do when experiencing pain as well.

Still, no matter, aside from still slightly painful calf muscles, I am fully ready for everything that the day may offer. I've got my first coffee on the go, my big gay truck is finished and all my job bags seem to be in as much order as they can be. So, with smiles on our faces, let the warm waters of Friday wash over us and let the spark of excitement turn into a roaring flame that we can proudly carry all day.

Hopefully I shall be still carrying the flame later on today as well, as myself and my partner in crime shall be attempting to paint Burgess Hill red this evening. Well ok, maybe not red, but at least a good dark shade of umber. In any event, we shall be doing our best to fling our cares aside and try to have many giggles as is legally allowed anywho. So do feel free to roll up one of your trouser legs or tuck your skirt into the back of your knickers and join us should the mood take you. The more the merrier we always say. Anyway, if I don't see you before do have yourselves a thoroughly full to brimming, marvelous weekend, and I'll see you on the flip side.

Toodle pips!

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