Monday, July 1, 2013

Oddness abounds

Well bless my denim shorts and call me Maurice if it isn't The Tuesday already.And to coin a well used phrase "it's turned out nice again", well at least for the time being or so I'm led to believe. Looks like we might well be losing the precious sunshine for a day or two. So make the most of it before it hides away I say. Having said that, it does already seem to be hiding behind a curtain of hazy cloud. Although it is still quite warm out, so I think I shall leave it out! (phnar phnar)

I do have a question on my lips this morning though, I saw something on the way into work this morning that is puzzling me. Now I know, throughout my life I have seen and experienced some very strange things first hand. I seem to attract odd happenings, I'm a bit like a phenomena magnet (Phenomena . . . Do Doo, da doo doo) (Sorry couldn't help myself) I it must be just the way I'm made. I mean only last year I saw a couple of people walking their elephant, which was on a lead, across a bridge over the A2300 as I was driving home. Which did cause me to question why? Still, leaving that aside this morning as I was driving back to Burgess Hill, having driven all the way to work and totally forgetting to post Lady T's prescription through the doctors letterbox on the way past. (No that's not a euphemism) I noticed something laying at the side of the road.

Now I know it's not unusual to see various wildlife sadly laying at the side of the road, after being hit by a car. I think we're all used to seeing rabbits and foxes and more than often badgers sunbathing on the soft verges or the hard shoulder, but this was none of the usual victims. What was laying on the verge looking to all the world like it had been hit, and had peacefully decided to take it's final rest there was an enormous fish!

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but huge fish don't normally find themselves being in traffic related deaths do they!? I was definitely a fish before you ask, I slowed right down as I went past, just to be sure. It was enormous! Well about 2 feet long, but big enough as fish go, it was a dark browny colour with light creamy spots all over it. Although it didn't look like any carp or rudd or the usual kind of fish, it had a massive head with a huge gaping mouth and a relatively small body, although it's fins at the sides were quite large too. So it definitely started out in the sea somewhere I would think.

Now I know there's probably a very reasonable and boring explanation for this, although I can't think of one off the top of my head. Just seems a little odd to me so I thought I should share it with the class to see if they could offer any ideas? So do please share your thoughts, or go and pick it up and have a good look at it if ya like! It's just before the entrance to the Bolney Estate business Park where I spend my days.

Still, must dash as I have bigger fish to fry today! (hehe! Did ya see what I did there!?) Toodle pips!

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