Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Charge your glasses please.

Well hello there! Yes I know it's all kind of muggy and grey out there at the moment, it even had the nerve to drizzle on the way in this morning! But fear not, yes there may well be a few more spits and spots as the day goes on, but then, after tonight it's gonna be guaranteed lushness all the way to at least Tuesday. So I'm led to believe at any rate.

So don't get too bogged down and despondent about the dullness today, just think of it as that tiny irksome bit of a big party, just before everyone turns up, when you're just pacing around worrying if anyone will show up. Because after that, and before you know it, the music starts playing, the drinks start flowing and the fun and laughter begins. Then you're just left there wondering what you were worrying about in the first place!

Right that's my weather report finished . . . I'll have you know a lot of people rely solely on my weather updates before they get dressed in the mornings! I'm more reliable than even the BBC's adorable Carol Kirkwood! Who, on a side note, told me I was 'brilliant' on Monday!

So how do I find you this lovely Friday Eve? All tickety-boo I trust? Of course, it is indeed a very important day for some today, it being the 4th of July. Yes I am talking of course about, my sister and brother-in-law who celebrate their 21st Wedding anniversary today. May blessings be poured upon them all day I say! Oh and apparently it's quite an important day in America as well. I believe it has something to do with us Brits letting them off their leash back in 1776 and Tom Cruise sitting in a wheelchair wearing a beard. Which basically forms a good excuse for a bank holiday, parties with family and lots of fireworks, so I'm lead to believe.

Still, whatever you decide to do with your 4th of July let's raise a little glass in their direction anyway. After all, any excuse for a party and a good time is a good excuse in my book.

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