Sunday, July 28, 2013

Helloooooo Monday.

We look up to the skies for inspiration and sadly notice that the bright golden sunshine of the weekend is starting to be shrouded by the grey tinged clouds of yet another Monday. We once again find ourselves at the far end of a port standing on a jetty, feeling slightly chilly, in the cold sea air. The piercing cry of the seagulls seem to be laughing and mocking our misfortune, as they crowd round and terrorize a small trawler, returning from it's nights work. We look back and watch the stern of the mighty 'Weekend' liner slide silently around the headland and out of view, as it sounds it's sorrowful horn. Letting everyone know that the weekend is now over. So, with a heavy heart and sagged shoulders we amble away through the port. Knowing that we now face the rain filled, uphill struggle and seemingly endless expanse of the working week that is stretching out before us.

It's funny how situations change, depending on how you're feeling isn't it? Oh yes it's Monday! Can you believe it! That weekend really did go far to quickly and instead of bright sunshine, we are faced with threatening grey clouds and rain. Still personally I'm refusing to give up on the summer just yet. I'm still defiantly wearing wearing my shorts and a T-shirt and hoping that the weather will notice me and assume it's obviously doing the wrong thing.

I have to say though, the next couple of weeks are holding more than a little dread for me. As one of my colleagues, the one who shares my responsibility of producing wondrous graphics is away on holiday for two weeks. Meaning I am now left trying to produce enough for two people on my own. Eeep! Testing times lay ahead it seems.

The only bright side being that after these two weeks it shall be me who will have two weeks away from the office. Huzzah!

Still, face it we must. So with our heads held high and our chests proudly out, lets rebel against the darkness that Monday is trying to smother us under. Let's continue onwards, knowing that, though we may feel alone and abandoned there are still countless others with us sharing the burden and picking us up when it's all getting too much to bear.

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