Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
Tuesday confession
day and good morning ladles and jelly spoons. I'm afraid it's Tuesday
already. I'm also afraid I have something of a confession to make. This
morning I very nearly turned to the dark side. After watching the
weather last night and looking out of the window this morning I very
nearly . . . (pauses for dramatic effect) . . . I very nearly decided to
wear trousers. (bites knuckle, to indicate guilt) There! I said it! I
know it's a little shocking and I'm not proud to admit it, but I did it
none the less. I very nearly decided to put the shorts away for the day
and get out me strides. I even ummed and ahhed about taking a waterproof
coat with me. Yes! A Coat!!
Admittedly that second idea may
not of been a bad one, considering what it's supposed to be like most of
the day. In fact thinking about it, shorts and a cagoule might of
actually brightened my day slightly, as generally speaking shorts and
cagoules remind me of childhood holidays or school trips.
Of course to make the school trip experience complete I would then of
had to carry around a clip board all day with bit of paper on that I
could draw pictures on and hold someone's hand whenever I was walking.
It could of been a lovely day thinking about it.
Maybe at
lunchtime I could of sat outside on a wall in the rain with my hood up,
with my Tupperware lunchbox balanced on my lap. Trying to eat slightly
sweaty cheese and piccalilli sandwiches, some cheap supermarket crisps
and maybe a Club biscuit or a Trio or a 5,4,3,2,1 bar. Before washing it
all down with some very very weak orange squash from my plastic Snoopy
Flask. Ahhh those were the days.
See now I'm wishing I had
decided to wear a cagoule and make a substandard lunch which I would
purposely not put in the fridge to keep cool, but instead carry around
in a rucksack for the day. Either that of course or I could of gone for
the family holiday option. But that would mean I instead would have to
wear my cagoule and shorts combo in the rain, to go to a zoo perhaps, or
stroll along a wet and windy beach, or maybe a stroll around a harbour
before nipping into some 'excellent quality' gift shops. I do realize my
interpretation of 'excellent quality' isn't the same as most people's
when it comes to holiday gift shops. I do love a good bit of tat.
Oh dear, I do waffle when I get going don't I? I am very sorry, I was
only mentioning the fact that I nearly decided to bring a waterproof
with me to work. Right well I suppose I must let you get on, you
probably like me, have a string of very import goals to achieve today.
Toodles! x
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Helloooooo Monday.
look up to the skies for inspiration and sadly notice that the bright
golden sunshine of the weekend is starting to be shrouded by the grey
tinged clouds of yet another Monday. We once again find ourselves at the
far end of a port standing on a jetty, feeling slightly chilly, in the
cold sea air. The piercing cry of the seagulls seem to be laughing and
mocking our misfortune, as they crowd round and terrorize a small
trawler, returning from it's nights work. We look back and watch the
stern of the mighty 'Weekend' liner slide silently around the headland
and out of view, as it sounds it's sorrowful horn. Letting everyone know
that the weekend is now over. So, with a heavy heart and sagged
shoulders we amble away through the port. Knowing that we now face the
rain filled, uphill struggle and seemingly endless expanse of the
working week that is stretching out before us.
It's funny how situations change, depending on how you're feeling isn't it? Oh
yes it's Monday! Can you believe it! That weekend really did go far to
quickly and instead of bright sunshine, we are faced with threatening
grey clouds and rain. Still personally I'm refusing to give up on the
summer just yet. I'm still defiantly wearing wearing my shorts and a
T-shirt and hoping that the weather will notice me and assume it's
obviously doing the wrong thing.
I have to say though, the next
couple of weeks are holding more than a little dread for me. As one of
my colleagues, the one who shares my responsibility of producing
wondrous graphics is away on holiday for two weeks. Meaning I am now
left trying to produce enough for two people on my own. Eeep! Testing
times lay ahead it seems.
The only bright side being that after these two weeks it shall be me who will have two weeks away from the office. Huzzah!
Still, face it we must. So with our heads held high and our chests
proudly out, lets rebel against the darkness that Monday is trying to
smother us under. Let's continue onwards, knowing that, though we may
feel alone and abandoned there are still countless others with us
sharing the burden and picking us up when it's all getting too much to
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Ahhh breathe in the Fridayness
look up and notice that once again, the grey tinged clouds of the
passing week are drifting slowly apart, to reveal the bright golden
sunshine of another Friday. So we find ourselves at the far end of the
weeks port. Standing on a jetty, and breathing in the cooling ozone. We
listen to the faint call of the seagulls in the distance as they crowd
over and dive bomb a small trawler, as it returns from it's nights work.
Then from around the headland the bow of the mighty 'Friday' liner
slides silently into view, before sounding it's thunderous horns.
Letting everyone know that the time is very nearly upon us. When we can
excitedly board and set sail for the wide open expanse of Weekend that
is stretching out before us.
Oh yes it's Friday! Can you
believe it! It really has gone quite quickly this week hasn't it? I am
feeling a little tired and achy this morning, due to three random bouts
of cramp during the night. I haven't had bad cramp for ages,
so I don't know what particularly brought it on last night. It was the
kind of cramp that you get in your calf muscles, the kind where you seem
to have no option but to leap out of bed as fast as you can and do the
quick 'walk around the bedroom dance' to try and stop it. Normally
accompanied by the "HmmmMMMmmm HmmmmMMMmm" song that apparently you have
to do when experiencing pain as well.
Still, no matter, aside
from still slightly painful calf muscles, I am fully ready for
everything that the day may offer. I've got my first coffee on the go,
my big gay truck is finished and all my job bags seem to be in as much
order as they can be. So, with smiles on our faces, let the warm waters
of Friday wash over us and let the spark of excitement turn into a
roaring flame that we can proudly carry all day.
Hopefully I shall be still carrying the flame later on today as well, as myself and my partner in crime
shall be attempting to paint Burgess Hill red this evening. Well
ok, maybe not red, but at least a good dark shade of umber. In any
event, we shall be doing our best to fling our cares aside and try to
have many giggles as is legally allowed anywho. So do feel free to roll
up one of your trouser legs or tuck your skirt into the back of your
knickers and join us should the mood take you. The more the merrier we
always say. Anyway, if I don't see you before do have yourselves a
thoroughly full to brimming, marvelous weekend, and I'll see you on the
flip side.
Toodle pips!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
I can sing a rainbow . . .
Yes you heard me, actual rain fell from the sky on my little journey
into work this morning. Although I also had glorious sunshine, low in
the sky behind me as well. So the sun shone on the wet roads and made it
look like I was traveling to work upon golden roads. Which of course
meant that, in front of me was the biggest brightest rainbow I have seen
for a long time, straddling the way ahead. All very lovely and almost
poetic I'm sure you'll agree. There really must be a lengthy sermon I
could give off the back of it. Don't worry though, I won't.
be honest it did make you think, 'wow' isn't the world brilliant. Which I
guess is why rainbows are there, we all love seeing a good rainbow. Now
matter how old we are, we always get a little spark of childhood
excitement at seeing one. Sometimes of course we even get to see the
most rare 'double rainbow' which is even more exciting. It's a feeling
like you had when you were younger, and discovering
you've got a 'shiny' in your pack of Panini Stickers, you've just
bought from the newsagents. Ah simpler times, as the choruses of "Got,
got, got, need, got" echo around the playground.
Sorry, I got a
bit lost in sentiment for a bit there. Anyway, yes it rained, but it
was lovely, so that's fine. Well I've just polished off my bowl of
'Jordan's Super Berry'. Although, I'm really not sure about it to be
honest. It's just a bit too 'berry' for me. In fact, it's 'very berry'.
The trouble is the berries in it are just a bit too sharp and not enough
sweet for me I think. Yes I know, I'm SO sweet I shouldn't need any
more sweet in me. Apparently I do! I suppose the only good thing about
it is that is does turn the milk purple as you're eating it, so that is a
big tick in it's favour in my book. Although I'm not sure I'd bother
buying it again.
Right, well, I have a great big gay truck to
finish off, and make look gorgeous so I shall be reaching for the
rainbow colours once again.
See you tomorrow, for the blessed Friday! I know! Already!
Monday, July 22, 2013
It's a boy!
the fanfare. Unfurl the flags. Unknot the bunting and string it up once
again. Mind you I do like any excuse for a bit of bunting. Raise the
Union Flag or drape it from an upstairs window. (Course what I want to
know is how come the Union Jack is now called the Union Flag! People
always going round changing the names of beloved things. Starburst will
always be Opal Fruits to me, Snickers will always be Marathon and Ulay
will always be Olay). Yes I'm sure you've heard the new Royal baby has
been born.
Mind you, they haven't mentioned it once on the BBC
news! Because they have done nothing but mention it. In fact I think
today you can pretty much write off hearing any news as it will all be
Royal baby. Mind you it's funny how after weeks of sunshine, just after
he was born it started with thunder and lightning, I hope they don't
decide to call him Damien.
So that will be the next topic of speculation, the name. I admit I was wrong in thinking
it was going to be a girl. So my name suggestion is pretty much out of
the window. Mind you, Alice probably wouldn't be such a great name for a
boy. Unless you wanted to try the Johnny Cash style of upbringing. The
wonderful Lady T reckons the best bet for a name is probably going to be
James. To be honest I would have to agree with her, it just seems right
for some reason. Although it will still be a bit weird naming your son
after Uncle Harry's father. Heeheehee.
Still, no doubt the
Royal baby news will continue to rumble on throughout the week, much
like the thunder clouds that seem to accompany him. Not that we've had
any flashes or bangs yet in Burgess Hill. Although it is looking a bit
threatening out there.
Right, well got to go. Things to do, creations to create masterpieces to master and all that sort of stuff.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Best foot forward!
that was a bit of a weekend wasn't it! As some of you will of seen, me
and the Wonderful Lady T spent a large portion of our Saturday at
A&E with son number 2. He had twisted his ankle rather badly (or
should that be rather well?) and was in so much pain he couldn't bear to
put any weight on it. So off we trundled to Hayward Heath, to sit in
the waiting room for a few hours. When he was eventually seen, we then
shuffled off to go get an X-ray. Then after a little bit more waiting,
we were once again herded into one of the little curtained off
examination cubicles, and told it was definitely a sprain. We were then
given strict instructions that he had to keep trying to walk on it and
that he wasn't allowed to do any cycling, running or sports for the next
two weeks. After which we made our escape back to normality. Phew! To
be honest it was nice actually spending some proper time with him, as we
normally hardly ever see him.
To be fair to him,
yesterday he seemed to be coping with it rather well and was making
superb efforts at tentatively walking on it again, without too much
moaning. Of course I'm doubting he will be quite so keen to prove his
wellness with school looming this morning. Still, I suppose you have to
try your luck at 14 even if it usually doesn't get you anywhere.
Well that's all behind us now, and Monday is upon us once more. So once
more, it is time to turn to face the way ahead, take a deep breath and
take the first tentative step into the new week sprawling before us.
Although do prepare yourselves for a hot one, as it does promise to be
another rather gloriously warm Sunshine filled day. I would suggest
having a 'wear nothing to work day' but to be honest I fear we may get
funny looks if we tried it, and there are certain places that none of us
want to get sun burnt. Plus rubbing Factor 50 on those places in front
of colleagues is normally frowned upon. So probably best to go for the
usual loose fitting garments that these conditions call for.
Right! Well, as they say best foot forward people! (In son number two's case, that'll be his left foot) See you all tomorrow.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Summer dreams, make you feel fine
a rootin' tootin' good day and good morning to you all, this fine,
bright and slightly frisky Friday. (Although do try to go a little easy
on the 'tootin' side of things as this can often offend) I really can't
believe it, we've had over two weeks of what we would call proper Summer
and it's still promising to continue! Long may it last I say, you won't
ever find me moaning about sunshine, I lurrrrve the sunshine regardless
of how warm it may be. (Me and the sunshine, sittin' in a tree . . . ).
It just brings out the best in us doesn't it! Well most of us, anyway. I
know there are those who suffer because of it, so I can't really claim
it for all parties.
We do however find ourselves more open to
smile at people, even complete strangers we may pass on the street. Of
course, if we do converse with passers by after smiling at them, being
English we only really have two options that we normally reach for,
which are: "Hot enough for you!?" or "Cold
enough for you!?" which we should then end with a polite chuckle at our
hilarious statement. At the moment we can only really sensibly use the
first option, as trying to use sarcasm on a passer by never works. Take
it from me, they just look confused at you and suddenly cross over the
We all have our own favourite Summer songs to listen to
as well don't we. I heard mine on the way into work this morning
actually, which is 'Ventura Highway' by America, if ya interested. I
know the marvelous Lady T's is 'Ocean Drive' by The Lighthouse Family.
Still whatever yours is, go bung it on and crank up the volume, you will
feel better for it! Summer is also of course the time when we should
also be making plans to do whatever it is that makes us feel more
Summery! Be that cold beer in a pub garden, a barbecue with friends,
stroll along the beach or a drive along a long coast road. Whatever it
is make plans and go do that thing! Because the best thing we can do
with this rare and glorious Summer we're currently experiencing is to
make some glorious memories to go with it.
Do look after yourselves, I'll see you lovely lot Monday.
morning troops! Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE the sunshine. This is
the kind of Summer we all dream about having every winter. So when it
comes along I revel in it. However I know that there are a lot of people
who don't. So my latest, summer based, little ditty is for all of you.
To the tune of 'Walkin' on Sunshine' if you would please:
I used to think sunshine was lovely,
I’m now not so sure,
When I awake, at day break,
and just slouch out the door,
With weather that calls out for no socks
I can’t cool myself down,
There is no hope,
in my own sweat I’m starting to drown
I'm meltin’ in sunshine, woh-oh
Had enough of this sunshine, woh-oh
I'm meltin’ in sunshine, woh-oh
And it don't feel good!
I’ve said it now
And it don't feel good.
Hell, yeah
I used to think hot days were lovely
I know that's not true
Cos I don't wanna spend my whole life
Turning red, feeling blue
Don't mind it being sunny at weekends
Or just a few days
Now it’s even too hot at night
And we all lay awake, oh yeah!
I'm meltin’ in sunshine, woh-oh
Had enough of this sunshine, woh-oh
I'm meltin’ in sunshine, woh-oh
And it don't feel good!
I’ve said it now
And it don't feel good.
Feel cooked alive
Can’t stand the heat
Just feel that burn
It makes ya sick
Feel cooked alive
Can’t stand the heat
Just feel that burn
It makes ya sick
Meltin’ in sunshine, baby oh, oh no!
Meltin’ in sunshine, baby oh
Friday, July 12, 2013
Drink well from Friday Fountain.
in! . . . and hold it . . . and relax. Once again, deep breath in! . . .
and hold it . . . keep holding it . . . and relax. Now shake your arms
and roll your head round the left. Keep shaking your arms and roll your
head round to the right. Now finish off with a great big satisfying
stretch. . .There now, doesn't that feel better!? For today is going to
be a good day and having a little limber up will just make us feel more
ready for the day that faces us.
Yes indeed dear people, tis
the day of Fri once again, the blessed Friday, and although it may not
look like it at the moment, eventually this grey cloud will part and be
replaced by the hot glorious sunshine we have now become accustomed to.
So fling off the shackles of worry, discard that heavy weight of
perturbation hanging around your neck and kick off those lead boots of
woe. For today IS Friday and as such WILL be a good day.
It's time to have a dress down Friday, even if there isn't
an official one planned. Wear as little as you think you can get away
with! Just be comfortable in yourself, be proud of who you are, and hold
you head up high because you are magnificent and all together we are
unstoppable. Nothing that may be flung our way today will slow us down,
nothing can be said that will spoil our vim. No one has the power to
quash the unequivocal power of our jubilation today.
So stand
tall and count yourself as one of the blessed and outstanding people
today, because indeed that is what you are. So let's get out there, do
the dance of joy, and greet this Friday with open arms and a smile on
our face! Let us be that good example of how others wish that they were.
Have blinding gorgeous weekends people!
Sunday, July 7, 2013
A historical and momentous weekend
morning dear friends, family and people I barely even know. Once again
we all join together, standing arm in arm and side by side in solace.
Having witnessed, once again, the deep orange sun setting and dip below
the curve of another weekend. Now the new week has dawned, Monday is
upon us, already nipping at our heels and demanding our attention like a
badly behaved puppy. But, before we pick up this naughty pup and tuck
it under our arms, when it will no doubt try to nibble on our noses, or
indeed, just carry it over to, and rub it's nose in the mess it has left
by the back door. Let's just have a little look back to the weekend.
I'm sure there are none of us this morning who can ignore the fact that
during the course of the weekend, something rather amazing and historic
for our country happened. Something, that none of us really thought,
deep down, that we would ever see. Something momentous. Something that
has lifted the spirits of our entire
Nation. Yes, that's right, I am of course talking about an uninterrupted
and hot, gloriously sunshine filled, proper Summer weekend. Oh and
apparently some Scottish bloke won a game of tennis.
Don't get
me wrong, I am very very pleased for Mr Murray that he won. He seems
like a smashing bloke and certainly deserved it and fought very hard
indeed for it. It has always just niggled me slightly that we are, so
pride hungry and all too keen to label players with the British stamp of
approval, proudly claiming him as ours, simply because he is doing very
well. I mean let's not Greg Rusedski for example, and he was Canadian!!
We all know, that if there was a chap from England who had Andy's
blistering skills and was doing as well, we would definitely dub Mr
Murray as merely Scottish.
We all pump ourselves up with so much
pride and say how proud we are that we won! Although I have never have
really understood why? I mean, none of us actually played or had to face
the pressure that he must of felt under. We didn't help train him or
have any input into how good he has become, so let's all just turn it
down a notch. It's absolutely fine to be very pleased for him and
comment on how proud his family and trainers must be feeling, not to
mention his very fine indeed girlfriend. But let's not all get so
inflated with pride that we end up looking like a bunch of arrogant
Right, Moanday moaning over with, let's get back to
making the most of basking in this simply divine bout of Summer we're
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Sunshine Super Friday
Although to be honest it does barely feel like it, despite the whole
sunny fridayness! I had one of those nights last night. You know the
ones I mean, when for some reason the function in your brain which would
normally switch off when you would normally go to sleep, doesn't switch
I had a dreadful night. The last time I accidentally
looked at the clock it said 3:08am. As I'm sure you're all aware, the
first rule of not being able to sleep is to try and not look at the
clock, because mentally that just makes things five times worse, because
then you are aware of how little time you have left to try and go to
sleep. Still I'm not sure how much long a laid there waiting for sleep
to turn up, but it was quite a little while. No rhyme nor reason for it
of course, just one of those annoying nights.
So in my wisdom
this morning when my alarm jolted though my head at 6:08am this morning,
I thought just to add to my feelings of utter exhaustion
I may as well cycle in today and it's going to be frankly gorgeous. It
wasn't a bad idea so to speak, it just means that now my muscles feel as
spent as my brain does. I think it's important to have some kind of
balance in these things.
Still, cotton wool brain and heavy
limbs aside, there really is no mistaking the fact that is going to be a
frankly amazeballs Friday! So put on as little as you dare, don't be
afraid to flash the flesh as they say (although, do bare in mind, we
don't wish to scare the normal people do we?) just get out there and
frolic about a bit. Bask in the warm sunshine for what is promising to
be a proper Summer weekend! The kind of Summer weekends, that we only
dream about the rest of the year. So whatever you do today, on what is
promising to be a frankly fabulous friday, and the rest of this upcoming
sublime weekend, do try and squeeze as many sunny memories out of it as
you can.
See you on the other side you whole bag of gorgeous people.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Charge your glasses please.
hello there! Yes I know it's all kind of muggy and grey out there at
the moment, it even had the nerve to drizzle on the way in this morning!
But fear not, yes there may well be a few more spits and spots as the
day goes on, but then, after tonight it's gonna be guaranteed lushness
all the way to at least Tuesday. So I'm led to believe at any rate.
So don't get too bogged down and despondent about the dullness today,
just think of it as that tiny irksome bit of a big party, just before
everyone turns up, when you're just pacing around worrying if anyone
will show up. Because after that, and before you know it, the music
starts playing, the drinks start flowing and the fun and laughter
begins. Then you're just left there wondering what you were worrying
about in the first place!
Right that's my weather report
finished . . . I'll have you know a lot of people rely solely on my
weather updates before they get dressed in the mornings! I'm more reliable than even the BBC's adorable Carol Kirkwood! Who, on a side note, told me I was 'brilliant' on Monday!
So how do I find you this lovely Friday Eve? All tickety-boo I trust?
Of course, it is indeed a very important day for some today, it being
the 4th of July. Yes I am talking of course about, my sister and
brother-in-law who celebrate their 21st Wedding anniversary today. May
blessings be poured upon them all day I say! Oh and apparently it's
quite an important day in America as well. I believe it has something to
do with us Brits letting them off their leash back in 1776 and Tom
Cruise sitting in a wheelchair wearing a beard. Which basically forms a
good excuse for a bank holiday, parties with family and lots of
fireworks, so I'm lead to believe.
Still, whatever you decide
to do with your 4th of July let's raise a little glass in their
direction anyway. After all, any excuse for a party and a good time is a
good excuse in my book.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Stop the ride, I wanna get off.
morning and good day to all you wondrous folks, and may I say how
perfectly peachy you are all looking at this very moment in time. Yes
even you! In fact, especially you! Just don't ever change, you're
practically perfect just as you are. Sorry, got a mouthful here, please
excuse me while I finish my bowl of Jordans. (Other cereals are
available, always read the label and please enjoy cereals responsibly) .
. .
There! All done, sorry about that I also had to nip off to
leave a note for the milkman as well. Yes we have a milkman here at the
office, one that we can leave notes in top of milk bottles for about
milk supply, it's all very lovely out here in the rural little business
park in which I nestle. We even have a postie who pops in when he brings
the letters, just to say good morning. It's all very 1978 here, which
of course I do think is lovely.
It is quite easy to slip into nostalgic, backward facing feelings and miss the way things were
isn't it? It seems to me life was just a little more meaningful way
back when. We seem to live in a world of wanting things, and wanting
them instantly at our fingertips. We're so caught up in knowing what's
going on around us, and we pour our lives into things like Facebook and
Twitter, of which, I am probably one of the most guilty, that we don't
ever really see what's really going on around us.
Life just
flows around us at such a pace that we never really have time to stop
and take it in. Excuse me for sounding like a cheesy advertising line,
but it seems to me that we're so busy cataloging and reporting our
thoughts, our dreams and our memories, that we don't ever get the real
opportunity to make any or do any that really count. Then before we know
it, we find that we have left it too late to do anything about it.
So I guess what I'm trying to say here, is that there is nothing wrong
with stopping and having a bit of backward thinking every now and then,
in fact it's probably the best way forward.
Tally ho!
Monday, July 1, 2013
Oddness abounds
bless my denim shorts and call me Maurice if it isn't The Tuesday
already.And to coin a well used phrase "it's turned out nice again",
well at least for the time being or so I'm led to believe. Looks like we
might well be losing the precious sunshine for a day or two. So make
the most of it before it hides away I say. Having said that, it does
already seem to be hiding behind a curtain of hazy cloud. Although it is
still quite warm out, so I think I shall leave it out! (phnar phnar)
I do have a question on my lips this morning though, I saw something on
the way into work this morning that is puzzling me. Now I know,
throughout my life I have seen and experienced some very strange things
first hand. I seem to attract odd happenings, I'm a bit like a phenomena
magnet (Phenomena . . . Do Doo, da doo doo) (Sorry couldn't help myself)
I it must be just the way I'm made. I mean only last year I saw a
couple of people walking their elephant, which was
on a lead, across a bridge over the A2300 as I was driving home. Which
did cause me to question why? Still, leaving that aside this morning as I
was driving back to Burgess Hill, having driven all the way to work and
totally forgetting to post Lady T's prescription through the doctors
letterbox on the way past. (No that's not a euphemism) I noticed
something laying at the side of the road.
Now I know it's not
unusual to see various wildlife sadly laying at the side of the road,
after being hit by a car. I think we're all used to seeing rabbits and
foxes and more than often badgers sunbathing on the soft verges or the
hard shoulder, but this was none of the usual victims. What was laying
on the verge looking to all the world like it had been hit, and had
peacefully decided to take it's final rest there was an enormous fish!
Now correct me if I'm wrong, but huge fish don't normally find
themselves being in traffic related deaths do they!? I was definitely a
fish before you ask, I slowed right down as I went past, just to be
sure. It was enormous! Well about 2 feet long, but big enough as fish
go, it was a dark browny colour with light creamy spots all over it.
Although it didn't look like any carp or rudd or the usual kind of fish,
it had a massive head with a huge gaping mouth and a relatively small
body, although it's fins at the sides were quite large too. So it
definitely started out in the sea somewhere I would think.
Now I
know there's probably a very reasonable and boring explanation for
this, although I can't think of one off the top of my head. Just seems a
little odd to me so I thought I should share it with the class to see
if they could offer any ideas? So do please share your thoughts, or go
and pick it up and have a good look at it if ya like! It's just before
the entrance to the Bolney Estate business Park where I spend my days.
Still, must dash as I have bigger fish to fry today! (hehe! Did ya see what I did there!?) Toodle pips!
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