Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Budget Special

Oh hello there, sorry I'm a bit out of sorts this morning. I'm having one of those mornings where you don't quite feel that you've woken up properly yet. I had a very dream-filled sleep last night, (I won't bore you with the random details of it) but I'm sure that if you have a sleep with a lot of dreams in, you can actually feel quite exhausted by it all come the morning. Yes of course I suppose it really depends on what you dream out! (Naughty!) But still, I'm just feeling I could of done with an extra hour of sleep this morning. Of course, I blame the far too tempting home made cheese straws. I had one before bed time you see. Well it was just sitting there in it's little purple plastic box in the kitchen, tempting me with it's yumminess!

So yes probably my own fault, but I am allowed to still moan about it though aren't I? Well I'm here and up now, so may as well just slurp me coffee and crack on with things I suppose. Y-Y-Y-Y-YAAAWWWWWWWWWN. Sorry about that, so tired.

Just to add an even bigger 'yawn' factor today is the day Mr Osborne comes outside and shows everyone his tatty briefcase! (Never understood why they do that!). I mean it doesn't happen in any other part of politics or society does it? You don't see work men coming out of their little red and white striped tents, holding a shovel above their heads to show everyone before they start work. Mind you it's a jolly good thing gynecologists don't do it either! See now you've got an image! Sorry about that! (*sniggers*)

Yes I know it's very important and extremely serious stuff that goes on that effects us all in some way or another, but BY CRIKEY it's boring! I remember being younger and always dreading the budget day. It was like every time the budget happened all the good programmes I wanted to watch were suddenly on BBC2 and mum insisted on having the budget on. Plus it it nearly always done on a grey, wet and dull day. So going outside wasn't really an option. In fact the weather just added to the grey grim nature of the day. Even the weather was bored!

I'd much rather Mr Osborne came outside and showed everyone his Budgie! I mean that would be quite nice wouldn't it! Or maybe get the 'Mr Osborne' doing The Budget to be Ozzy! That would be brilliant!! Certainly make it a little more entertaining anyway. I mean we all know what's going to be happening anyway, the cost of beer and fags will go up, then they'll blow a little smoke on us by telling us they've done something nice for a people. Before it's actually revealed that most of us will be slightly worse off than we were before. Call me a crazy soothsayer if you will, but this is what is going to happen today.

Well here's hoping we all managed to get through this particularly sleepy dull day without experiencing too much sudden narcolepsy! Look after yourselves.

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