Thursday, March 14, 2013

Can I be Frank with you?

Good grief I can't actually believe it Friday Eve has snuck upon us once again! I know it's been said before, but as we get older time does definitely seem to be traveling a lot quicker than it used to. Not that we're old of course, I mean look at us! We're nought but Spring Chickens! Ahh I remember the day we had some Spring, last Tuesday I think it was. That's not this Tuesday just gone, it's the one before. (Yes, that's the phrase we all use, after referring to a day of the previous week). Sorry I'm babbling again, I'm like a constant babbling stream me, I have very little content, I'm very shallow, my conversations are constantly flowing, and normally heading downhill.

Well, we finally have a new The Pope as well, Pope Francis. I note that he doesn't have any of those la de dar numbers after his name either. Just plain old Pope Francis, which is nice. Although wouldn't it be good if there was a Pope Bob or a Pope Stan. I think I shall call the new The Pope, 'Pope Frank' he sounds even more friendly as Pope Frank. I'm going to miss not having the conclave going on though, all that watching chimney's for white smoke stuff. It means I can't make any more gags about how they should choose the new The Pope anymore! Very Sad.

Still he seems very nice and smiley, which of course is how all of us who aren't of Catholic persuasion judge the new Popes when they come along. He also seems to have a good sense of humor as well, very important that, I should imagine. Apparently when he found out he was going to be the next The Pope he went and had a sit down with the rest of the Cardinals and had a glass of wine (also only to be applauded) then he raised a glass and said to them "May God forgive you". At which point they all fell about laughing! (Obviously doesn't take much to tickle a Cardinal). Although I'm pretty sure there are probably rules about not tickling Cardinals in general.

Right well I must let you get on, I can see you're very busy and still have lots to do, although I really would concentrate on getting dressed first, what your wearing is just a little inappropriate for reading Facebook if you ask me! Have some decorum! See you all on The Blessed Friday!

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