Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tiredly muchness.

Good morning flowers! I trust you are keeping well despite it all? Still forcing yourself up to face yet another day on life's great conveyer belt? Just keep smiling and acting the fool, we'll be fine! I know people keep telling us that 'Life's not a dress rehearsal' but maybe we should pretend that it is? That way, maybe we would worry a lot less and not make the mountains out of the molehills we face. Maybe we would spend a lot less time stressing over getting stuff wrong and just accept things for the minor hiccups they are? Who knows? Or maybe it's just to early for a conversation this deep?

Sorry about that, I nearly broke into a Philosophical Phursday on a Wednesday! Just managed to stop myself, phew!

Still, morning to you again fine fellows, I trust you are all well rested? I sadly cannot brag the same. Had one of those rubbish sleeps again last night, just couldn't get off. I blame the moth/fly we had sharing the bedroom with us last night. I call it the moth/fly because as the illustrious Mrs T pointed out at the time, although it was actually a fly, it was acting like a moth. Loudly buzzing about while flailing around like it didn't know how to fly. Then constantly smacking it's head against walls and curtains, before resting behind the wall lights so it could burn it's feet on the light bulb and start the process over again!

Not very conducive to help getting off to sleep or just trying to read as I was at the time. I did get out of bed twice to fetch a towel so I could swat it, but every time I got out of bed and grabbed the towel it disappeared! Then the moment I got back into bed . . . "Bzzzzzzzz...bzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" Grrrr! Then to top it all off, it had the nerve to try and fly directly up my left nostril! It's amazing how much panic the feel of having a fly trying to insert itself in your face can cause. Not just to the victim but to the poor unsuspecting person laying next to you as well, who suddenly wonders why their other half is suddenly waving their arms like a looney and trying to blow through their nose.

Suffice to say, after that incident I was very much awake and not at all ready for sleepyness, which means I am very tiredly today. Thankfully I did manage to drift off eventually, but I had started doing the 'laying awake and worrying about what time you have to get up' thing and the 'how much time you have got left to sleep'. Not a good idea.

Still got to keep on keeping on and all that!

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