Sunday, September 15, 2013

Contracting the anti-virus.

Good morning to you all, especially to you! Well I'm not going to lie, this morning was a struggle. I know it's Monday and traditionally supposed to be a bit of struggle, however this morning just seems a little more tricky to get going than even your average Monday. Really if anything it should of been slightly easier today, what with this temporary bout of early Autumnal sunshine we've got going on this morning, there were even pink fluffy clouds gracing the azure as I stepped out the front door. So really there should be no excuse.

So I'm not really sure what has brought on this feeling of mild dread and foreboding. I can only assume my hind brain is onto something that it hasn't shared with the rest of my being as yet. So it is with slight anticipation that I come to you this morning. It feels like I'm just waiting for whatever it is to suddenly drop from a great height onto my head.

Of course, I hope that this niggle of trepidation and disquiet is not shared by all of us this morning or I'd be really worried. Perhaps you've woken up with a bit of a bounce today? Perhaps you've woken feeling unusually chipper for Monday? Maybe you've woken up with one of those anti-virus's that I have considered have existed for many years now.

You see, according to Newton, everything has an equal and opposite reaction. So in my theory, some days you awaken feeling run down, lethargic and low, it could possibly be down to a virus. Doesn't it make sense that some days you may wake up unusually bright eyed, alert, full of energy and feeling fantastic? These days you may well be suffering from an anti-virus. I'm sure we've all had them, on days where there is no real reason for feeling it.

If you do ever experience one of these days, do make sure and spend lots of time in close vicinity of people, as anti-virus may well be contagious too! I certainly wish I had one of those today at any rate.

See yawl tomorrow, if nothing dreadful and worthy of my foreboding has happened that is.

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