Monday, September 9, 2013

Ahhh normality reigns!

Good morning you little crystal bowls of brightly coloured gem stones. Now I know I don't often say this, but Ahhh Tuesday, how good it is to see you . . . Thankfully the fragrant whiff of normality has finally descended around me. The harsh, thick black clouds of maniacal stress have thinned out and dispersed, leaving me with a clear blue, sunny sky once again.

Yes dear status readers, gone are the mornings of getting up at 5am and then high tailing it (where does that phrase come from?) into work as quickly as I can, so I can fly around the office solidly working my little socks off. (Yes socks are back on my feet now, I have finally and sadly returned the shorts to the cupboard. Farewell Summer 2013 you were amazeballs) Going from one desperately urgent job to the next and then back again like I was fighting fires. Then doing this in the same frenzied state, with hardly enough time to swallow my lunchtime yoghurt, until the blessings of 5 o'clock and home time arrived, when I could go home and crumple into a large brain fried heap, and prepare myself to do the same thing the following day . . . Well they're gone until the next big thing arrives with hardly any time to do it in.

So how have you all been? I've missed you all! Yes even you!! Honestly it's such a relief to brush against the comforting pillow of calmness once more. Still plenty to do of course, but not so much that I spiral into the dark hole of derangement.

Mind you I did have to face my fears and do battle this morning when my alarm sounded at the much more reasonable time. There was a spider in the sink! Now normally of course I would call for the Heroic Spider Ridder at this point, a.k.a Lady T to deal with the fear inducing octoped. However she wasn't due to get up until half seven this morning, so it seemed a little unfair. So in the end I grabbed the very large bathroom jug, (We all have them, for those days when we wish to soak in the bath, but still wish to wash our hair) filled it to the brim from the bath and poured the torrent of water over it, in the vain hope it would disappear down the plug hole. It didn't. I couldn't believe it! It clung onto the sink despite having the entire jugful of water wash over it! At this point I panicked and quickly refilled it, thankfully after it found it's feet and started scuttling around it must of lost it's footing as the second tidal wave of bath water seemed to do the trick. Although I did then shower with the sinks plug firmly in place, just to be sure. Still one can do without that kind of adrenalin filled shenanigans first thing in the morning.

Ah well, things to do and coffee to drink I suppose. See you all tomorrow! x

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