Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sweet dreams are made of this.

So another Wednesday is beckoning us to it's midweek bosom so we may get comfy and nuzzle and prepare for the long awaited downward slide towards the weekend that is just on the other side of lunchtime.

Well how are we this morning? Another relatively speaking, quite chilly one again. Personally I'm just not very awake this morning. I had one of those nights where you sleep really heavily and actually feel slightly worse for it in the morning. I got up in the middle of the night for a call of nature, (As most people seem to do more and more as they get older. Haha 'Call of Nature' don't ya love that phrase. It sounds like it should be a popular console game for the over 40s!) Anyway, as I said, I had got up thinking it was about 5:00am and it turned out when i got back into bed, that I had only actually been asleep for about an hour and a half!

Then this morning when I woke up, it felt like a bag of lead and that I had been asleep for about three days! I guess it was because my night was so dream filled, thankfully I can't remember much about them, not that I would burden you lot with all the details if I could. (My dreams are generally not for the clinically sane or the easily offended)

Funny things dreams aren't they? It seems to me, they are generally used for letting your 'weird' run free. Plus what seems like hours and hours in a dream may only actually take mere seconds in real time. If only real life could be like that sometimes. Having all the good bits seemingly lasting forever whilst all the dull bits just fly by. It would be really nice wouldn't it? Ahh well a guy can dream I suppose.

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