Sunday, August 4, 2013

Seeing is believing?

"Good morning class. Settle down please, settle down. . . *ahem* . . . I said SETTLE DOWN!* Yes, I'm sure you're all terribly excited after the weekend, and are all really pleased to see all your friends again, but would you please sit back in your chairs, settle down and face the front please . . . thank you . . . Right! Let's try that again shall we!? . . . Good morning class. *(chorus of Good morning Mr Tidy)*.

Good! Ok, so I hope you all had jolly good weekends and are all feeling fresh as daisies and eager to face another week together. We have a lot to get through this week, so let's crack on shall we? Price! What are you doing? . . . No! Janice doesn't want to see the frog you've got in you school bag, so please put it away and release it after registration. Oh and Morley! I am watching you, please stop drawing pictures on work book! Especially pictures like that! Yes, I can see what you're doing and frankly that kind of thing should be left until you have biology.

Right! are we all settled now? . . . Good! Is something funny Bostock!? Would you like to share it with the class? Oh and I do hope you brought enough sweets for everybody to have one!? Bring the bag here please. . . thank you. I shall be sharing these out at the end of registration.

Right, where was I? Ahh yes. Monday! I'm sure you've all had terribly exciting weekends and are all very pleased to be here. Today I would like to talk about the phrase, 'Seeing is believing'. It's a very common phrase and I'm sure we've all used it at one time or another, but is it actually correct?

Well, no it's not! Seeing is NOT believing. You see, if we can see something with our eyes, and touch it we have no real need to believe in it, because it's there, it exists and is a physical object that we can interact with. So really the the phrase would be better worded as 'Not seeing, is believing'. Surely believing is an opinion that something exists without having any physical evidence to back it up with. So with this in mind, this morning I would like you to write a short piece on examples where 'Not seeing, is believing'.

Although I do have one more question for everybody today. What on earth are we all doing here!? It's the summer holidays for crying out loud!! Class dismissed!

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