Thursday, August 8, 2013

Friday Friday everywhere, so let's all have a drink.

Okay! Okay! I am prepared to admit it! Maybe, just maybe mind you, deciding to stick with the t-shirt and shorts option of things to wear this morning, might not of been the best choice. Yes, I know it definitely feels like autumn out there at the moment and it's horrible, and rainsome, (yes I did just make up a new word there 'rainsome' meaning full of rain) but I just can't let go of the hope of a little more Summer just yet. Besides, let's not forget it's also Friday, and who doesn't want to wear shorts and smile on a Friday!?

Yes, it's not really that warm out there, yes there are big grey clouds spread across the sky intent on delivering their payload. But you know what!? Later on the sun is gonna come out, and chase away the grey. Then before we know it, it'll feel much more like Summer again. You see I'd much rather regret wearing shorts and a t-shirt now, than I would regret not wearing them a little later when the weather is gorgeous again. Well it makes sense to me anyway.

It's been a funny old week for me, in fact it's been a funny old two weeks really, what with two work colleagues being away on holiday. Which doesn't sound very much, but with there on being five of us in the whole company, it has made the place feel rather empty. Still, I have managed to get everything done that has needed to be done, with my get my head down and attack it attitude. Aside from work I've even managed to finish chapter 4 of 'the book' as well, which I'm quite pleased about. If you're wondering I'm up to around 10,000 words now and only have around another 76 chapters to go!

But let's focus on the now! It's true! Friday has arrived! Finally the end of the slow paced, shoulder hunched trudge of the working week is in sight and the welcoming arms of Friday and the weekend await us. So no matter the weather, it's time to fling our cares and worries to the floor and pick up our smiles and put them firmly in place, because today we're gonna need them.

So the sun isn't shining at the moment, but in a way that's a good thing. As it means, by the time home time comes around in the nick of time, it will feel like time has flown by, (yes I purposely used that many 'times') it shall be shining down upon us and bathing us in it's warm golden light. Filling our hearts with unbridled joy and giving us even more reason to feel even more Friday than we already do.

Well do look after yourselves and have yourself a belter!

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