Monday, August 5, 2013

Staying out for the Summer!

Good morning cherubs! How's your belly off for spots? I trust we all survived the Monday relatively unscathed? Even if you did get caught in the monsoon of Monday afternoon. (Ooo I'm a poet and I didn't know it!) If you find yourself just getting up and blearily checking Twitter in ya pajamas, (Strange place to keep ya Twitter) to see what's going on in the world. MORNING!! And aww don't you look cute with ya bed hair going on. Although I have to warn you, it may look gorgeous and lovely out there, but it is a little brisk and crisp this morning. Fear not though, I am still in shorted attire. I haven't given up on the Summer just yet. I'm even sporting a classic tie-dye t-shirt for the day, which is lovely.

It's true though, it is beginning to feel like the last days of Summer isn't it? It's like we've had all the really crazy hot days and now we're just clinging to any sunny days that turn up. More reason, if you needed one to make the most of them I reckon. Squeeze out the very last drop of Summer with the meer days of it we have left. For the record, I'm intending to keep on with the shorts and t-shirt for as long as I possibly can. There's something about the 'shorts and t-shirt' combo that just makes me feel more summery inside. Which I suppose is where it's most important, if you feel all summery on the inside, your more likely to act all summery on the outside. Which lets face it is better for everybody.

So I say this to you, on what is pretty much your box standard Tuesday. Cling onto that summer feeling. Whatever it is that makes you feel summery, just keep on doing it. Kick off your sandals and walk barefoot around the lawn. Go and find a lovely spot by a river to have a picnic. Or just lay in the garden and watch the clouds go by. Although do be careful about that kind of thing obviously, the last time I just watched the clouds I took a photo and I ended up being talked about all over the world on TV, the radio and in pretty much every national and international newspaper.

Still, take a deep breath in and grab a good lung full of Summer. Let's make the most of it while we still can.

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