Thursday, January 17, 2013

Passing of a friend

I had some very sad news yesterday that my great mate Martin Collins had sadly passed away. So Martin, this one is for you.

Just sitting here and wondering
as the day is passing by.
I’m remembering the fun you gave,
and asking, why did you have to die?

You've always been there for others,
you really were a treasured friend,
I’m gutted that you’ve left us
So a hug from me I’ll send.

Sadly we’ll have to let you go,
with the minimum of fuss.
Even though you won't really be gone,
because you'll live inside of us.

Just know that we will miss you,
as you enter through heavens gate
you were one of the best I have to say,
a husband, a dad and my mate.

There's a bright brand new beautiful day out there, it may be cold, but we can wrap up warm and snuggle. So in a way being cold is a good thing. I mean who wouldn't want an excuse to snuggle!

I know we all take it for granted at times, but every day is pretty darn awesome in it's own way. There are times when we are feeling like every day we do the same thing day in day out, day after day. I think we start to think like that because we're brushing over the tiny details, not seeing the big stuff that seems to be small and just looking at it with apathy.

Every day something will happen or someone will say something that touches you and makes you think or just makes you smile. You may not even notice it at the time, but don't worry, it will just sneak into your memory a little later in the day in some idle moment and remind you.

Hold on to these little moments, because they are the things that we hold on to and that make every day the brand new gift that it is. Life is to short to hold grudges, and to try and bring someone down for no good reason. So be forgiving, be a shoulder to lean on, be the support you know you can be and as the song says spread a little happiness as you go by.

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