Friday, October 18, 2013

The foot of days

Oh yes my dear friends, once again the 'foot of days' has passed through the dark 'trouser leg of the working week'. It started it's journey at the arse end on Monday, past the thighs and lows of Tuesday, the knee jointed knee-dy Wednesday, down through the shapely calves of Thursday, before emerging through the open leg hole into the bright lights of Friday.

So it's time to take stock, breathe in the gloriousness and freshness of a brand new gleaming Friday. It's time to cherish each passing moment, clutch it to our heaving bosoms (metaphorically if you happen to be a gentleman) and to take in the wonder and mimsy whimsy of an approaching joyous weekend.

I do apologise for getting slightly poetic with my turn of phrase, but it's just the effect that a Friday seems to have on me. Of course if you wish to point the skeletal finger of blame towards anyone, it would have to be the Amazing Lady T. Only the other day, she rightly pointed out to me that my use and appreciation of words has grown expodentially since marrying her.

It's true, I was a driveling buffoon by comparison when she met me. (No saying "well you haven't changed that much then!" RUDE!) I guess she has made me want to become a better person, to be the best version of me that I can be. Over the years she has subconsciously and quite often very consciously molded my rough exterior into the frankly fabulous person you see before you today. Sadly of course, I can't claim to of had the same effect on the Awe Inspiring Lady T. After all it was Newton that said "Everything has an equal and opposite reaction". So if the Marvellous Lady T has in anyway become a lesser person than she was before she met me, it's more than likely my fault. For that I can only hold my hands out and apologise.

Well I suppose I better let you get on and greet your Friday with the open arms and smiling face that it deserves. Do have yourself a fantastic weekend full of laughs and guffaws. I'll see you all on the flip-side!

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