Friday, October 11, 2013

Fanfare for Friday

Good morning, and welcome to, by far the greatest working day of them all. Ladies and gentlemen of all ages, (he says while twirling his moustache) I give to you . . . (more moutashe twirling) . . . your Friday. (large red velvet curtains sweep open revealing a rather damp grey day) Yes, it may be wetter than hippo's undercarriage out there, and have more of a nip in the air than Spearmint Rhino on a Saturday evening, but still Friday it is, and joy it will bring. You may well be looking out the window this morning and thinking to yourself 'Euurgh, it looks 'orrible out there' and in part you may be right. But dear fellow traveler of bumpy road of life, it IS still Friday . . . 'ahem' . . . let me tell you what I mean . . .

Friday is certainly the greatest day,
The reasons for this, are too many to say,
It really don’t matter, if there’s sunshine or rain,
It’s really quite simple, so let me explain.

On Friday you see, you can work with a smile.
We may be toiling, but it’s only a while.
There’s bubbles of joy, for the weekend is near.
When we can switch off, relax, and have beer.

Everyone’s happier on a Friday,
Knowing that soon, we can skip off and play,
Friday’s a day when we should give in to fun,
There’s no point in hiding, there’s nowhere to run.

With a bounce in our step, and a dance in our heart,
There’s hugs to be had, and jokes to impart,
When afternoon comes there’s the slowing of time,
But we will get through it, it'll all be just fine.

So just join with me, with a laugh and cheer,
The work week is ending, the weekend is near,
So stand up and sing, and give praise to this day,
Fridays are awesome, that’s all there's to say.

*(Carl does a low bow using his top hat for more emphasis, then disappears off into the horizon. Doing a sort of cross between a march and a dance, as he leads the marching band, who appeared at the end of verse 2, and the dancers, who were once just passers by, but are currently back-flipping alongside the band)*

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