Thursday, February 28, 2013

Just another Friday Early Start

Well glory be and ping your pants across the bedroom like an elastic band, prepare yourselves lovelies it's only gone and turned into Wonderous Friday overnight. I must admit at this point I may be a little overly excited at this point, because I got into work at 6 today, and I just running on nervous energy which always makes me a little hyperactive. Which to be honest is ideal in you happen to be in a very large, people free double factory unit! You can skip around the place, sneeze as loud as you like, (nothing finer than a sneeze when you can just shout it out) turn radio 2 up very loud and sing along to the music, using a pen as a microphone while waiting for the kettle to boil. You can have a little dance while checking proofs against prints and use two pens as drumsticks when Phil Collins comes on the radio with "In the Air Tonight"! You really can't help air drumming to that one can you.

Sorry, I do apologise, I may of gotten a little too exuberant there for this hour. I shall have a sip of coffee and try to calm down a bit. Ooo 'exuberant' that's a good word isn't it? Sounds almost like a fruit based pudding. Hmmm. Yes waiter, the small pot of strawberry exuberant sounds simply delightful. I shall have two of those please.

Sorry, distracted again! Calm yourself, steady your horses and keep your powder dry Mr Tidy, you have a long day ahead of you. Breathe in . . . and out . . . Ahh, that's better. I do actually have a small work mountain to climb today, all very stressful must be out the door by the end of the day kind of stuff, such is the crazy world of graphic design with it's almost laughable deadlines. "You want it when!!?" Still, I'm sure I'm not the only one, with silly deadlines and stressfilled fridays. Though, if we can still keep a smile on our faces while under the stress anvil, we must be doing something right I reckon.

So no matter what your Friday flings at you, because have no doubt it will fling something. I hope that you will manage to stay on top of it with a smile on your face because it is the Wonderous Friday. I also really hope that you get the chance to act as though no one else is at work with you at least once today, because left to our own devices it's good to sprinkle a bit of silly over the day. SUCH FUN! (That was for cousin Brett) See you all on the flip side of the weekend, you bunch of simply awesome people. X x X

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