Wednesday, September 12, 2012

After Party Blues

I always think this time of year is particularly hard, the feeling that summer is over and now there’s nothing to look forward to. The feeling that all you’ve got to expect is colder more grotty weather and days that are getting shorter and darker. The only thing on the horizon is Christmas, and that’s still months away! Mind you, some people actually list that on their things to dread.

It’s especially more pronounced this year I think because we’ve have such a amazing and exciting summer. What with the Jubilee, the Olympics and even Andy Murry winning a Grand Slam, if tennis floats your boat. Now that is all over there’s a real danger of the country falling into a post party gloom. As a nation it’s almost like we’ve all had an amazing holiday feeling all summer long and now it’s over, we’re back to reality and there’s nothing to look forward to but a feeling of cold grey skies with the outlook of drizzle.

It’s all to easy to start feeling that life has lost it’s sparkle and start spiralling into that dark whirlpool of hopelessness and once you’re there, take it from me, it’s so hard to get back out again.

The key here is to find your balancing point, the middle of your see-saw, the crest of your wave if you like and try to stay on it for as long as you can. Don’t try and compare every day to the memories of what has been, or indeed try and predict what you think life has in store for you in the future. Just learn to be happy where you are right now.

Don’t get me wrong, great memories of sunshine and celebration are fantastic things to look back on, but comparing that feeling to the everyday and wishing that life was like that all the time is a dangerous game to play.

As for the future, I’m pretty sure we’ve all been around enough to know that life is very rarely how we predict in our mind that it’s going to be.

Life has a tendancy to throw a curve ball at us and pull the rug from beneath us, when we are least expecting it. I’m not saying all these curve balls and pulled rugs are all bad, sometimes amazing things or people come our way that we aren’t expecting either. The fact is we don’t know what the future has got in store for us, so there’s really no point painting yourself a gloomy picture of what you think might be.

Just stay focused on one day at a time and be thankful for all the things you do have right now. The little things that we take for granted that really make a difference in our lives. If it helps make a list of the things that you know make you smile. Things that have given you that spark of excitement and made you happy and make plans to do more of them!

Remember, life isn’t always a party but that doesn’t mean it’s not fantastic anyway. There is still so many things in the every day that lift our hearts and keep us on the top of our waves. Achieving a goal, or finishing a project that your proud of can always give us that little lift we are looking for. Family and friends, and even pets constantly do things that put a smile on our faces. Look around you, believe me, there are so many people that actually think you’re amazing even if you don’t know that they do. So hang on to those facts the next time you’re feeling low and start thinking is this all there is, because actually what you’ve got is pretty damn awesome.

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